What can you say bout The Count of Monte Cristo that has not already been written over the years other than adding your voice to the thousands and thousands of readers who have enjoyed this work since it was first published.
I read this as a very young man and decided to give it yet another read.
I admit that one of my favorite genres is that of revenge. Well CMC was probably the original revenge novel and more or less set the standard for all that followed. This is one of the few classics that young people; even in our non-reading world of today, will and do still enjoy reading. It sort of grabs you in the first chapters and builds from there. Every time I see or read this work I have to smile. My father who was an extremely intelligent man and an extremely educated man only read one novel. He read it late in life just before his death and loved it...yup, it was The Count of Monte Cristo...go figure...I was proud of him!
I do love this Kindle edition. Yes, I know you can get this one for free since it is public domain but I really don’t care. The version I received from Amazon and paid .99 cents for is perfectly formatted. I have ordered books from Project Gutenberg and other such organizations and while I appreciate their efforts I must be frank and tell you that I have been extremely dissatisfied with much of the formatting and presentation. I simply did not want to take that chance with this work.
This is a great read and I would recommend it to anyone.

The Count of Monte Cristo
| 1,476 ratingsPrice: 5.99
Last update: 08-17-2024