It works great! Definitely glad I added it, you will too! Does what it says it does. Pick it up
Battery Percentage Pro
| 14 ratingsPrice: 0.99
Last update: 09-09-2024
Latest updates
What's new in version 1.8.6- v1.8.6
- - Added priority notifications to the percentage to keep it displayed in the top left corner. Only supported for Android 4.1 onward
Product Details
Release Date: 2012
Date first listed on Amazon: May 5, 2012
Developed By: Wagwan Apps
Customer reviews:
3.6 out of 5 stars14 customer ratings
3.6 out of 5 stars14 customer ratings
Developer info
- [email protected]
- More apps by this developer
Product features
- Displays your phone's battery percentage in your status bar.
- Simple UI with easy to understand options. Remember Less is More.
- App auto start when phone is rebooted.
- Choose from a list of colours to match your status bar colour so the pecentage blends in well.
- KINDLE FIRE USERS - As notifications are not displayed in the top bar. The date will be available by pressing the notifications number button on the top bar. This a limitation of the device.
Product description
Displays your phone's battery percentage (battery percent) in your status bar/notification bar.Battery Percentage shows how much battery power your phone has left in the Android status bar. The percentage fits right in and appears as if its part of the Android OS unlike some battery icons.
- Simple UI with easy to understand options. Remember Less is More.
- App auto start when phone is rebooted.
- Choose from a list of colours to match your status bar colour so the pecentage blends in well. All options will work on any device but for better blending see the list below.
ICS Blue - To blend in with Android 4.x
White - To blend in with Android 2.3.x
Grey - To blend in with Android 2.3.x (Samsung Galaxy S2)
Green/Yellow/Red - Any device
Large Blue - To blend in with 3.x and upwards. Better visibility on tablets
Large While - Better visibility on tablets
Large Green/Yellow/Red - Better visibility on tablets
Try them out.
- Display battery health, temperature and voltage in the notification drop down
- Very small app with a small footprint. Background service is idle untill a change in the battery state occurs so minimal battery drain.
- Support Android tablets. No pop up every perctage change as with some similar apps.
- Ads Free
If you have a request please email us and we will do what we can to help
Extensive testing on the following devices/Versions:
Samsung Galaxy S2
Motorola Xoom
Sony Erricson st15i
Android 2.2.x
Android 2.3.x
Android 3.2 (Honey Comb Tablets)
Android 4.x
- It's not possible to replace the built-in battery icon
- In Android 3.0 or above, and Android 4.0 or above, the Android OS has "automatic shrinking and dimming" for status bar notifications to focus on the main activity. The icons do remain at thier full size and at full intensity in the notification area when selected.
- Kindle fire users - As notifications are not displayed in the top bar. The date will be available by pressing the notifications number button on the top bar.
[email protected]
User Data Privacy
Information not provided by the developer.Technical details
Size: 1.6MB
Version: 1.8.6
Developed By: Wagwan Apps
Application Permissions:
Help me understand what permissions mean
- Get notified that the operating system has finished booting
Minimum Operating System: Android 2.2
Approximate Download Time: Less than 30 seconds