This book may have actually been a four star read. It could possibly have been a five.
The writing was good and the story was even better.
But we’re all familiar with the old fable in which a kingdom is lost for the want of a horseshoe nail, right? The same concept applies to a book filled with small errors, throughout.
“She diverted her eyes from his…”
“She released the break and the car rolled…”
“Livia politely rebuked his offer…”
“It was a genuine startle, where nearly every bone in his body jerked…”
Being a grammar Nazi isn’t my bag, but misspellings and awkward descriptive words are jarring to the reader. The entire flow of the story grounds to a halt because we are forced to back up and reread the passage, (losing momentum and interest) attempting to correct these errors mentally.
Is “book editor” even a thing anymore? Even the major publishing houses are printing books that are an embarrassment to this country in terms of grammar and sentence construct.
I hate when a really good book, such as this one, is relegated to one or two stars, because the author was cheated of a decent book editor by their agent and their publishing house. You are better off hiring an English major at a nearby college to help with your manuscript, than allowing your work to be published by a company who doesn’t employ a good book and story editor.
Either that, or spend the rest of your writing days on Kindle Unlimited.