Oh boy, writing a review for this will be hard, but here goes ...
If your reading my review, then you must be thinking about buying this book, where I can say buy the book and read it. The price of the this is so small , when compared to say paying to go to a seminar, to acquire this knowledge. I bought the first book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and I liked it so much, that I bought this book, because I was thirsty for more knowledge, and it didn't disappoint me. This book has inspired me to buy the books that he makes mention of, so I can continue to learn more. When I think about just watching YouTube videos from the newcomers that have discovered this information recently, reading the book was peaceful and uncluttered.
I'm not really sure what to say about how the author wishes to share his life experiences with everybody, and whether you wish to learn and possibly try and figure out how to implement his knowledge, for that's the point of reading this book. I can say that this book is a gift, for when one strives to better themselves, they should not be selfish, and should be generous to share the information, sort of like making a charitable contribution. Some of my friends hold their cards real close to them, so I can't see them, for I'm worried they won't be able to retire and keep making stupid mistakes with money. They won't share, well because they keep making stupid mistakes. But this book gives you that x-ray vision where you can see what's happening in your friends lives.
Anyways, this is beyond the level of Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover", or perhaps the book you need to read after you are debt free, and have completed those baby steps. Or simply just read to get a head start on what to do after you have completed the Dave Ramsey program if your that committed.
For me, reading these books have changed the way I think again, where I'm writing a software application for a customer, integrated into his existing application that I wrote, and I decided to make this new application a independent stand alone product, so I can sell it to more businesses, and the time I spend writing becomes an asset that I own, to generate more cash revenue for me. If I didn't read this book, I would of never thought of this, it's that powerful.
As for the book, I'm just going to say it's a mashup of his thoughts, experiences, and the rewards or "HAVES" that he was able to achieve.