I wrote the review below and ring reached out to me to schedule tech support, which is impressive. It was simply a matter of cleaning out the charger, which had collected dust on the charging node things. It seems to be working now. They get five stars for reaching out to me on their own.
Loved it at first, but I’ve had it a year and two months and about a month ago one of the two ports stopped recharging batteries. These are relatively expensive, so I expected it to last longer than that. Contemplating buying one of the offbrands at least if they stop working after a year they’re less than half the price.
Ring Charging Station for Quick Release Battery Packs
| 127,447 ratingsPrice: 29.99
Last update: 12-23-2024
About this item
Quickly recharge one or two Quick Release Battery Packs at once with the Charging Station. Simply slide batteries in and the indicator light will let you know when they’re fully charged and good to go.
Compact in size, plugs into a standard outlet and fully charges both your batteries nearly twice as fast than with a Micro USB cord alone.
Simply slide batteries in and the indicator light will let you know when they’re fully charged and good to go.
Power adapter: 2.20in x 1.06in x 3.15in (56mm x 27mm x 80mm) / Charging Station: 2.36in x 2.32in x 2.40in (60mm x 59mm x 61mm) / Power Cord: 6ft (1.82m).
Power Input: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.5A / Power Output: 5V, 3A, 15W; 9V, 2A, 18W; 12V, 1.5A, 18W.
Operating Conditions: 50°F (10°C) to 104°F (40°C).
Quick Release Battery Packs sold separately.
Compact in size, plugs into a standard outlet and fully charges both your batteries nearly twice as fast than with a Micro USB cord alone.
Simply slide batteries in and the indicator light will let you know when they’re fully charged and good to go.
Power adapter: 2.20in x 1.06in x 3.15in (56mm x 27mm x 80mm) / Charging Station: 2.36in x 2.32in x 2.40in (60mm x 59mm x 61mm) / Power Cord: 6ft (1.82m).
Power Input: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.5A / Power Output: 5V, 3A, 15W; 9V, 2A, 18W; 12V, 1.5A, 18W.
Operating Conditions: 50°F (10°C) to 104°F (40°C).
Quick Release Battery Packs sold separately.