I read and listened to "Imagine the God of Heaven" over the course of several days. I have both the paperback and audiobook versions. I found out about the author and this book after watching the "After Death" documentary.
I could not put this book down! Not only is it great storytelling, but it is theologically accurate and plausible. As someone who studies the Bible and preaches God's Word on a regular basis, I kept trying to find "holes" in the book, as the research on NDE's (Near Death Experiences) is somewhat new to me. In the past, I read at least two books (one written by a woman, the other by a man) who allegedly had an NDE and went to heaven. Both of their descriptions of what they experienced went completely against what the Bible actually teaches. Later, controversy surfaced around one of the books, because the woman had an "agenda" and was trying to deliberately cause confusion and lead people away from the teachings of the Bible. Through these past experiences, I learned that if someone's NDE experience seems to "contradict" the Bible, the best thing to do is to rule out that particular NDE and not "rewrite" the Bible to fit the NDE. Because of these two other books, I approached Pastor Burke's book with some caution and skepticism.
"Imagine the God of Heaven" is well worth the read! It has brought me great comfort since my father passed away earlier this year. And over the past few years, other relatives and friends have died as well. All of them served Jesus, so I am looking forward to the day when we will all see each other again. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I look forward to seeing GOD face to face!
Thank you for researching and writing this book Pastor Burke! May God continue to get the glory, praise and honor, and may readers be strengthened in their faith.
Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted
| 869 ratingsPrice: 17.05
Last update: 08-25-2024