I'm startled to find that someone with Internet access and a problem with software would NOT go to the home page of the publisher and get help. The "printing problem" spoken of (in the review below mine) is easy to fix, though tedious to implement (you must apply the fix to each project face you are printing). Please go to the Support area of Sierra Home (the publisher) to download the fix.
Meanwhile, this software is a bit long in the tooth and Sierra is not a very good owner but the product has a loyal, devoted following amongst hobbyists who enjoy printing projects. It is powerful enough that some ladies have started successful home businesses using PrintArtist.
The included professional designs can act as a whole course in layout if you dissect and study them. When was the last time you saw a two or four year apprenticeship in a trade for thirty dollars? And they deliver it right TO your house! C'mon, it's a steal.
This newest edition finally seems to run well on Windows XP, though there are still a few machines around with minor Install troubles. Again, visit the Sierra site for support fixes.
PrintArtist was developed from the ground up as a great little OBJECT ORIENTED graphics package, which distinguishes it from its brethren. Nothing is tacked on. The interface is easy and usable, accessible to bright 8-10 year olds. This is not a trivial achievement. I tested a more expensive package just yesterday that was so poorly thought out, I could hardly see the design on the page in its default settings.
Most of the included graphics are not world class but a lot of the "art" made with such programs ends up on refrigerator doors anyway. There's nothing wrong with the basic TOOL and I'd encourage any professional or aspiring designer of ANYTHING to buy this package and diddle with it. It will do 85-95% of what a lot of extremely expensive software will do and gives all generations in your family the chance to exercise their creativity. I've owned and used all the small graphics programs as well as the big ones like Xara and Photoshop. PrintArtist makes the Top Three List.