This is probably the buggiest piece of software I've ever used. It has taken me about 2 to 3 times longer to get a resume I can actually use than it would have taken if I bought a decent book and typed it by hand in a word processor. There are plenty of suggested phrases and some of them are pretty good, but it looks like they just gleaned them all from existing resumes (they have an online posting service) rather than actually wrote them specifically (some have spelling and punctuation mistakes, and some are just awful).
The bugs in this program are unforgivable though:
- Some fields in the "wizard" don't transfer through to the actual resume. You end up with placholder text like, "[Enter your description of responsibilities.]"
- If you change the section style (for example try a different layout for the jobs in your experience section), you will lose everything you type into the old layout!!!! The pre-fab phrases will transfer to a "scratch pad" so you can cut and paste, but any custom edits to those phrases get tossed (changing back will wipe out your scratch pad entries, so you lose everything)
I used to work in the software industry (hence the need for such a program), and the number of tech resumes and phrases is appalling sparse, especially given the current job market. At any place I've worked, if we released a product to the public with bugs like these, we'd be fired on the spot.
Once again, I'm learning there are no shortcuts in life worth taking. Since I downloaded it, I doubt I can get my $40 back. You, on the other hand have a chance not to waste yours. If you do decide to buy it, you should eliminate applying for any accounting or finance positions ;-).
Resumemaker Deluxe 9.0 (Old Version)
| 7 ratingsPrice:
Last update: 12-20-2024