I don't read often, I rarely find books I read cover to cover, and this is one of few I wasn't able to put down, Spent a whole Saturday reading it.
I've been a fan of MMA for some time, and knew of Rickson Gracie and have always been a fan. I've watched many videos online, and read written interviews with him (Maynard James Keenan being a favorite).
This book has a lot of good information about him, and the Gracie Family, stories i've never heard before, and him correcting rumors that have been spread around over the years.
It was a easy read, and nothing seemed to drag on too long, some parts you do wish were more longer, only because you know the guy has so much more knowledge and information, however I do believe that could of made the book very long, and this was more of a Biography, not a training manual. I do believe he has online "academy" whcih he offers instructionals, so I will probably look in to that.
Well there's my review, bottom line, if you think you would like this book, then absolutely buy it.