I owned this book several years ago and sold it; it was too tedious for a beginner/novice. Now at least 10 years later, I have been taking lessons and looking at videos from several teachers (PurePoint, Consistant Golf, PerfomMax, Shawn Clement, etc.) who all seem to follow him very closely. The grip remains good even today. Posture is classic. The fundamentals of the backswing are ever so slightly different from modern teaching. The hip movements in the backswing have to be practiced as he advocates -- slightly sliding to the back then leading with them on the downswing. The downswing is closer to what the current long drive hitters advocate -- starting with the hips before the backswing is completed. If you can follow his instructions in conjunction with modern teaching, you can have a solid, repeating swing. His clear descriptions of how to hold your arms and place your elbows and keep them close have helped me begin to rid my slice. Some teachers will argue that some of his techniques are not the best, like lifting your left heel (righthanders) on the backswing which might produce different results as one can't control how much it lifts in quarter of inches.
Reading the book is not easy, although the drawings help, as it is written in a run-on almost rambling manner laced with lengthy paragraphs in all capital letters. This is the reason I give the book a "4." One has to extract the instruction. Fortunately, it is a short book with basically one chapter for each lesson. He suggests practicing each lesson before moving on. I recommend this as it easier to read one lesson at a time. Rereading is not a bad idea either. One of the more confusing elements is his description of the swing place as a pane of glass with a hole in the center for your head. It is not an easy idea to comprehend. I have had instructors refer to this as if the plane were parallel to the ground as in a baseball swing!
A pure beginner should start somewhere else and the come back to this to cleanup and strengthen. Any one who wants to read this book should google for "Hogan's swing" for a great many examples of just how he did it as well as a number of videos of instructors trying to find his "secret!"
Overall, not a bad role model for any one.