I've had the D-80 since it was introduced. I've used it almost exclusively for professional macro photography. In well more than ten years, I took literally thousands (and I do mean thousands) of macro photos for a fly tying magazine I edit and more than a dozen books I've written. And then, one day, the mirror locked up and I got the "ERR" message others have talked about. That message means send to the repair shop, but no one repairs this model anymore. Oh well, I more than made my money off that workhorse, and as the man who taught me this business was fond of saying: "When it breaks, toss it, get another, and keep working."
The problem is I plan to retire in the next year or so and have no interest in researching another camera, getting used to it, and investing a lot of money in the process. It occurred to me to see if I could find a used D-80 body, and bingo!
This "used" body cost less than $200, and I swear it has seen very little if any use. It accepts all of my Nikon lenses and accessories such as a remote shudder release, and the image sensor—even when taking macro photos against a white background—produces spotless images. (Like I said, I'm not sure this body was ever really used.) I saved hundreds of dollars and am working again.
I would definitely buy from this vendor again.