Dr. Fauci wrote almost all of this himself with some help editing after he got 80 percent written and I wanted to know whether he wrote it mostly because here is one of the great talents of our lifetimes. He's teaching now at Georgetown U, in medicine and public policy. I think what will be happening there is lots of inspiration, mentoring, friendship, investing in public service and patient care.
The book is going to make you want some variations on Italian food. I found many questions answered that I've had about how Dr. Fauci engaged with others in his remarkable career and with some of the main events for him and that he is known for. There is a lot here I did not know and did not have questions about but now appreciate his sharing.
There is a great lot of good emotional health, good psychological health here, the very foundations for fearless honesty, for lifelong friendships, for loving family and friends.
I congratulate the writer on another task well done. I say thank you for your service but even more for taking the time and effort to tell the story. It's a very fine story indeed.
On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service
| 116 ratingsPrice: 15.99
Last update: 06-22-2024