I honestly do not know who this character is or how we are supposed to perceive her. At the beginning of the series she seemed to have a bit of a purpose as doctor who specializes in advanced research of alien technology and adapting it to better Earth but in this book she is a creepy, awkward, and frankly silly individual who doesn't fit in with society nor understands basic boundaries or social interactions. And most disturbingly, also seems to forget she has superpowers.
This cover is a total fakeout as it depicts a scene that never happens and her date, who turns out to be something completely different to what we were led to believe. It's not clever writing it's just plain bait and switch with no supporting narrative.
Why does Powergirl like to watch her roommate sleep? Why does she invade her privacy insistently? Why does she not understand anything about pop culture or have no more than a basic textbook grasp of the language? If she's an alien new to this world fine, that is the obvious explanation but we are also to believe she's a columnist for a newspaper? Her writing would be like terrible AI. Not worthy enough to be at the best newspaper there is. Why is someone who can travel faster than light worried about a job that might take her away from home? Why is she taking stuff from Omen, who is well within her rights to be angry BTW, and worried about being suplexed through the building? She should say, "You'll try!"
Why is she suddenly obsessed with fish? Why is she suddenly self conscious about her looks? Powergirl is supposed to exude confidence, poise and know that she's hot. She doesn't need some weird guy to tell her, she also shouldn't look like Supergirl in a slightly different outfit. My gosh what have they done to this character?