I've bought 2 of these, over a year apart, since I gave my first one to my wife to use on an old Bose wave system. This is a simple, small and flexible little adapter. Note that it only works in one direction - It's designed specifically to allow using a Bluetooth device, like a cell phone with an audio device that doesn't support Bluetooth. I use the eSinkin to let me listen to my music collection from my iPhone on my old Pioneer receiver - It comes with a 3.5mm to RCA connector adapter cable that works perfectly to connect to the RCA jacks for Aux in. You can reverse this cable and plug it into the RCA jacks on the adapter if your device has a 3.5mm jack for input, which is what I did with the one I gave my wife.
Audio quality is outstanding - certainly as good as my old stereo and speakers can reproduce. Range is good as well - I can walk around the house with my phone and the audio still plays without interruption.
Others have noted that it is pretty determined to grab my phone's Bluetooth connection regardless of my desires, but I fixed that by plugging it into the 'switched' outlet on my receiver so it only comes on when I turn on the receiver.
I would whole-heartedly recommend the eSinkin Bluetooth adapter if you're looking to add Bluetooth to an older device. You won't be disappointed.
Wireless Type | Bluetooth |