This app is a fun way for my children to practice their math facts as well as alphabet. The game allows for different players and the level of difficulty can be adjusted for each player. It also allows you to monitor the progress of each player - how many they got right, what level they played and when they did it. You can play three different games - a calculation, tables and then bubbles. The developers have done a great job of making it very customizable to each player. The calculations section has four levels - easy, medium, hard and expert. Within these you can further decide whether to focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication or division or any combination of the four. You further choose whether the answers will be multiple choice or fill in.
In tables it is the old multiplication tables and you can choose whether to focus on just the 9s or the 12s or any combination of numbers from 1 to 12. Again, you can view the players history to see how they have done.
Bubbles are my children's and my favorite part. In bubbles you choose again between four levels of difficulty. You can then choose between numbers, alphabet, Roman numerals and multiplication. The goal is to touch the bubbles in the correct ascending order. The girls love this part. My only request would be to add division as a choice.
This is a really well written app and we really enjoy it.
AB Math - fun math games for kids and grownups - addition, subtraction, multiplication, times tables, mental math training
| 302 ratingsPrice: 0.99
Last update: 12-23-2024
Latest updates
What's new in version 3.9.1- Interface and graphics improvements
Product Details
Release Date: 2012
Date first listed on Amazon: January 30, 2012
Developed By: Nicolas Lehovetzki
Customer reviews:
3.9 out of 5 stars302 customer ratings
3.9 out of 5 stars302 customer ratings
Developer info
- [email protected]
- More apps by this developer
Product features
- Fun math games for kids with the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Specific times tables training
- Simple interface where the child can choose options by himself
- Several game modes
- 4 levels of difficulty, including an expert mode for grownups
- A fun way to practice mathematics, the bubble game
- Follow up of the scores
- Brain challenge and mental math training for the whole family
Product description
AB Math are mental math games for kids from 5 to 10 :- The children choose their options by themselves
- Various fun game modes
- math drills with the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, times tables)
- 4 levels of difficulty, including an EXPERT mode for grownups
The bubble game also strengthens sequential abilities, mental manipulation, attention and fine motor skills.
Kids love it and have fun learning maths.
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Your feedback is also very welcome.
Have fun !!
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Technical details
Size: 7.6MB
Version: 3.9.1
Developed By: Nicolas Lehovetzki
Application Permissions:
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- Access information about networks
- Open network sockets
- Read from external storage
- Write to external storage
- Allows sending in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions
Minimum Operating System: Android 4.0.3
Approximate Download Time: Less than 1 minute