I've read several reviews, and people's stupidity is annoying. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but when people think Infinity Ward removed custom emblems, I can feel my brain cells commiting suicide. Treyarch did the custom emblems, Infinity Ward never did. They always used pre-made emblems. They're different companies with different styles, and different builds. As for the class system, it's different, but I love it. The only downside is the perk points and the lack of camo for secondary weapons, which was introduced in Ghosts' predecessor, Black Ops 2. But there are upsides. The attachments, particularly on handguns, are better. Now you can combine Akimbo with other attachments, something BO2 couldn't do, and there are some better scopes. Lots of people hate Thermal, but now there's the Thermal Hybrid Scope. As the name suggests, it's a Hybrid scope with a primary thermal function, but when people get close, Thermal is bad, so switch to the red dot function. They also have the VMR sight, which is like a Red Dot Sight with Variable Zoom without that bulky ass exterior. Now the scorestreaks are purely awesome. There are even Juggernauts now, three in fact. The Juggernaut with a Minigun and handgun (I believe it's the P226, but it could be the MP443 Grach), a Juggernaut with a Riot Shield and .44 Magnum, and a Juggernaut with a knife and throwing knife. All of these have strengths and weaknesses, such as a strength or lack of speed and strength or lack of armor.Then there's the ODIN and LOKI satellites, which let you deploy a Minigun Juggernaut, Care Packages, and strike down foes with large and small "rods". Now downsides would be the lack of small maps, so far the only one is Free Fall, and the small amount of health you get. Now it's easy to die, which can be annoying, though I understand their (Infinity Ward's) desire for realism. The new modes are great though:Cranked, Hunted, Blitz, and even the return of Infected (though I believe it was called Infection in MW3). Now the Extinction mode is both super difficult and super fun. As long as you play with friends who are good, because some people will screw up easy Challenges. Challenges earn extra Skill Points, and in Extinction, Skill Points are King. Also, a good class and ability variety is recommended. Everybody shouldn't be Tanks with Death Machines and Team Explosives, but should be spread out, so there should be a Medic, Weapon Specialist, Tank, and Engineer. Each class has buffs earned at higher levels, such as increased health and melee damage, acid invulnerability, Sleight of Hand (Faster Reload), and increased wallet capacity. Prestiging in Extinction, by leveling up once more after Lv.30, allows access to Relics, which increase the difficulty by increasing damage dealt to you, reducing damage dealt to enemies by you, or even halving wallet capacity, or stripping you of your class and it's perks. The campaign is great, with plenty of variety and plenty of action, and also chances to try out new weaponry, such as the Mk32 Grenade Launcher and controlling a Guard Dog (named Riley in the Campaign), and even a remote sniper. Now, in terms of difficulty, this game's campaign is probably the easiesr I've played, even on Veteran. And I've tried MW2 on Veteran, beat through Act 2, Black Ops 1 and 2 on Veteran, which are both really hard, and MW3 on Hardened, which was still pretty hard. And to all the arrogant pricks that may read this, be quiet, nobody wants to hear how easy you think any of those game's Veteran difficulties were or weren't, I'm just using them as a comparison, showing how easy Ghosts is, especially if your good at Multiplayer in any game or Zombies in the Black Ops games. The graphics aren't as bad as everybody says, and most certain;y not to the point of abandoning this game. If they're poor, they have a reason to be. The PS4 and Xbox One versions were launch titles, so they had to worry about those first, but still wanted to sell the game for PS3 and Xbox 360, so they just quickly downgraded the grapchics. Though I still think they did a great job. So for all those people who quit for the lack of custom emblems or the realistic damage (except you can still die by getting shot in the foot), I hope you enjoy your unrealistic FPS'. Oh, and for those freaking out that they're making another COD next year, look it up: They've been doing yearly releases since COD2, some have been remakes for consoles like DS, but I bet they play like totally different games. I hope this review helps attract some gamers who enjoy realism and difficulty to Ghosts, and you can add me on PSN as DASAZ_Z0MB13 or Deaths_Lullaby if you want to. I play this at my friends, but welcome playing with non-randoms with open arms. As long as your not a Halo Jumper. And I apologize if I offended anyone reading this.