I've been an Apple fan for years, after making my PC desktops function with lots of time on the bench, annual software repurchases, recovery from evil-ware, and new machines every five years. For on-the-road adventures, I purchased an ipad a couple of decades ago, and it served me well. I gave it to my wife for her religious studies including zoom meetings. But Apple is no longer providing software updates for such ancient equipment, meaning that software such as Zoom may not work well on a computer older than five years or so. I decided to upgrade her ipad to a 2022 version, a renewed machine to save bucks.
However, I couldn't get it to charge the battery beyond 72%, and then my attempts to set it up ended with not moving beyond the location screen, so I returned it.
In the process of trying to figure out the newer iPad, I realized that Apple has moved more and more into finger gesture control, rather than the good old actual or simulated buttons. Even if the box would have worked, my wife would have experienced too much frustration with making it do what she needed. She's now learning to use an android machine donated from her religious buddies. And I'm wondering how long I can continue to use my iPhone XR before it gets left in the dust. Apple, you've apparently departed the scene, leaving me thrashing in the cobwebs.