It looks great but I have no idea what you are supposed to do with all the geometric designs flowing on your screen. If there was more control, they could be used as backgrounds or art but there does not seem to be an intuitive way of designing new geometric pictures.

| 225 ratingsPrice: 0.99
Last update: 02-12-2025
Latest updates
What's new in version 16- Add Windows 11 Support
Product Details
Release Date: 2013
Date first listed on Amazon: April 23, 2013
Developed By: Kyle Fischer
Customer reviews:
2.9 out of 5 stars223 customer ratings
2.9 out of 5 stars223 customer ratings
Developer info
- [email protected]
- More apps by this developer
Product features
- Create beautiful mathematical designs
- Change size, location, patterns, and rainbow style with simple pinch, tap, and slide controls.
- Save your creations to your device
Product description
A polar graph is a math concept where the distance r from the center of the graph is determined by an equation. (r=1 would be a circle. r=sin(angle) makes loops)Polar Graph:
Normally you start the angle from 0 and go all the way around to 360 degrees incrementing by some small amount. When you skip say every 80 degrees, you get something interesting. A Maurer Rose
Trigonometrics takes this maurer rose idea and puts you in control of every aspect of the design. The size, location, color palette, amount to skip, and a multiplier for the angle (to determine how many petals your maurer rose will have).
Change the size and location:
The first button allows you to pinch,tap, and drag to change the size/location. If you let go while pinching in, you can have the design continue to get smaller.
Change the rainbow:
There are basically 2 rainbow palettes. One cycles through all the colors in their proper rainbow order. The other will randomly meander from color to color. Continually pressing this button will give you different rainbow options.
Control the angle:
Press this button and pinching,tapping and dragging will modify the angle skip parameter.
Control the wave:
This button, with pinching, tapping, and dragging will allow you to change the number of petals your rose has.
Bomb Button:
This will clear the screen but keep all your properties.
Press the Menu button to save your image.
User Data Privacy
Developer has indicated that this app does not collect or transfer user data to third parties.Technical details
Size: 7.4MB
Version: 16
Developed By: Kyle Fischer
Application Permissions:
Help me understand what permissions mean
- Read from external storage
- Write to external storage
Minimum Operating System: Android 2.3
Approximate Download Time: Less than 1 minute