I only have the app, but this phonics program is clear and thorough.
Jolly Phonics a U.K. program that is highly rated, is worth owning.
Used very successfully in Nigeria.
Jolly Phonics Lessons
| 133 ratingsPrice: 13.1
Last update: 09-07-2024
Latest updates
What's new in version 5.0.9- Fixes for an audio playback issue!
Product Details
Release Date: 2019
Date first listed on Amazon: January 31, 2019
Developed By: Jolly Phonics
Customer reviews:
3.9 out of 5 stars130 customer ratings
3.9 out of 5 stars130 customer ratings
Developer info
- [email protected]
- http://www.jollylearning.co.uk/support
- More apps by this developer
Product features
- Jolly Phonics Songs
- Jolly Phonics Actions
- Phonics Games
- Learner Assessments
- Word Blending
Product description
Jolly Phonics Lessons contains fun and interactive content to teach Letter Sounds. It is designed for use by Parents, Teachers and Children.Using a synthetic phonics approach, Jolly Phonics teaches children the five key skills for reading and writing.
Designed specifically for teachers, this app features the following:
• Letter sounds audio for all sounds
• All the Jolly songs for each letter sound
• Animated letter formation
• Action image and instructions
• Word bank and flash cards
Fun games to practice sounds, that learn form the player and adapt to their ability
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Technical details
Size: 82.8MB
Version: 5.0.9
Developed By: Jolly Phonics
Privacy Policy
Application Permissions:
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- Access information about networks
- Open network sockets
- Allows sending in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions
Minimum Operating System: Android 4.4
Approximate Download Time: More than 5 minutes