This did exactly what I was hoping for: it allowed me to turn my kindle fire HD into a sheet music display. It easily coupled with a bluetooth pageturner, and I quite like the simple library/organization features. Most important --- by far --- page turning is smooth and quick, even though the PDFs involved are large. Ordinary PDF readers are clunky and slow by comparison. I'm not sure whether it downscales PDFs to the optimum size or just loads a lot of pages into memory, but it's doing something right. Works like a charm, and I haven't even tried lots of its other features (metronome, etc). It's a bit pricey, but, to me at least, it's well worth it.
MobileSheets Music Reader
| 470 ratingsPrice: 15.99
Last update: 12-26-2024
Latest updates
What's new in version 3.9.7- - Fixed remaining issue with songs being duplicated in a setlist during import under some situations
- - Fullscreen mode is now disabled by default on Android 14 or higher devices to avoid potential issues
- - Hide the Navigation Bar is now enabled by default on Android 14 or higher devices
- - Added support for setlist index(%INDEX%) with the Generate Song List feature to output the position of the song in the setlist
- - Fixed issue with Create Snippet feature not copying annotations correctly in some situations
Product Details
Release Date: 2015
Date first listed on Amazon: April 24, 2015
Developed By: Zubersoft
Customer reviews:
4.2 out of 5 stars468 customer ratings
4.2 out of 5 stars468 customer ratings
Developer info
- [email protected]
- More apps by this developer
Product features
- Multiple display modes: single page, two pages side-by-side, half page turns, and vertically scrolling pages.
- Hands-free page turns using any bluetooth or usb devices, or through the automatic scrolling feature
- Annotations for marking up music including support for freeform drawing, basic shapes, text and stamps
- A custom audio player for playing audio tracks with your scores. Audio player supports a-b looping and multiple sizes.
- Support for setlists and collections to efficiently group songs for playback.
Product description
MobileSheets is the premier sheet music reader for Android tablets. It frees you from having to lug around books and binders, and gives you the ability to access any score in your library in seconds. It also comes with a number of powerful features for musicians including:- Multiple modes of operation including two pages side-by-side, half page turns, and vertically scrolling pages.
- Hands-free page turns using any bluetooth or usb devices (including two and four pedal models), or through the automatic scrolling feature
- Annotations for marking up music including support for freeform drawing, basic shapes, text and stamps
- A custom audio player for playing audio tracks with your scores. Audio player supports a-b looping and multiple sizes.
- A metronome with multiple display modes and sound effects
- Bookmarks for quick and easy access to sections in scores
- Link points for handling repeats and quickly jumping between pages
- Support for multiple file types including images, PDFs, text files and chord pro files.
- The ability to transpose chords in text and chord pro files.
- Manual and automatic cropping to completely eliminate unnecessary margins
- Support for setlists and collections to efficiently group songs for playback.
- Powerful library management features with a huge list of supported metadata fields, giving you complete control over the data in your library
- A companion application for the PC that makes it a breeze to create and edit songs
Give MobileSheets a try today and experience the freedom of having all your scores just a simple tap away.
NOTE: This application is designed and optimized for 7" and larger tablets. This application does not include any sheet music - you must provide your own.
The companion app is for your PC and is not included. You can download the companion app here:
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To learn more, visit the developer’s privacy policy.
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App info & performance:
Account and/or data deletion:
The developer has not shared information on account and associated data deletion.
Technical details
Size: Varies by device (64.6MB - 130.1MB)
Version: 3.9.7
Developed By: Zubersoft
Privacy Policy
Application Permissions:
Help me understand what permissions mean
- Access information about networks
- Access information about Wi-Fi networks
- Connect to paired bluetooth devices
- Discover and pair bluetooth devices
- Required to be able to access the camera device
- Enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode
- Open network sockets
- Read from external storage
- Request authtokens from the AccountManager
- PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
- Write to external storage
- Allows verification of Google app Entitlements
Minimum Operating System: Varies by device
Approximate Download Time: More than 5 minutes