Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak tells the story of Mallory Quinn, a woman hired as a nanny for a five-year-old boy named Teddy. However, things take a strange and disturbing turn when Teddy's drawings become increasingly sinister, leading Mallory to wonder if they are related to a long-unsolved murder.
The beginning of the book was intriguing and drew me in immediately. It was fascinating to see the story unfold while experiencing Mallory's journey. You could hear her inner voice starting to doubt her own sanity while taking care of Teddy. As Mallory tries to decipher Teddy's drawings, the story takes an unexpected turn, and the plot becomes more intricate. The twist as the book comes closer to the end leaves you gasping for air, not sure of what to make of everything that's happening.
The characters are well fleshed out, and Mallory's character is particularly impressive. She has a rich backstory, which adds an extra layer of depth to her character.
Mallory's quest to decipher Teddy's drawings is both creepy and intriguing. As the story progresses, the drawings become more sinister, and the stakes increase. The book is intellectually stimulating and continuously surprising as each piece of the puzzle falls into place. Rekulak employs clever symbolism and metaphors to move the plot forward, making the book worthwhile to read.
The storytelling style of Hidden Pictures leaves a lasting impression. It's not only an original fusion of genres, but the narrative structure, formatting and use of illustrations is also so innovative that readers won't forget about it quickly. Every element of the story comes together beautifully to form something unique, and the combination of local history with modern-day horror makes it more engaging.
Hidden Pictures is a thrilling and intelligent horror novel. It's a well-crafted novel that demonstrates Jason Rekulak's mastery of storytelling, pacing, and character development. The supernatural elements of the book are well-conceived and deliberately shaped to compel the reader's interest. And that ending...damn!
Hidden Pictures: A Novel
| 47,751 ratingsPrice: 17.71
Last update: 07-22-2024