The book is amazing. Simply put - I loved it, I just loved it.
I am buying two more for a couple of friends from another country.
We usually share and compare our opinions on different books, but this one is not available on their country.
So - I am buying two and then I will mail them to my friends.
I will also most definitely recommend it to my other friends in the US.
This is not a book to be saved as an "audiobook". This book is one of those I most pass along to my child (he is only 8 y/o now). And I will read a couple more times before I do that.
In the recent years, I have come more in touch with spirituality and this book is full of spiritual knowledge and spiritual understanding. I totally identified myself with the author and the fact that she remembered so many little details about her clients - beautiful!
Almost on every page, the author reminded me of the beauty of living a simple life.
We, as humans, tend to forget that the simpler our lives, the less pain and more fulfillment and purpose.
Let's not forget, that only the egoist and the arrogant believe this life belongs to them... It doesn't. To be alive is a gift. To have the honor of walking this planet is a gift. And this book an amazing reminder of that. Unfortunately, most humans realize the gift only on their last days/minutes here.
Thank you Bronnie Ware
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing
| 4,942 ratingsPrice: 17.05
Last update: 12-08-2024