After following the lives of Queen Theodosia, Prinz Soren, Blaise, Artemisia, Cres, Eric & Dragonsbane in Ash Princess and Lady Smoke, I really needed an ending for this trilogy that made sense and did justice to these characters and relationships. And Ember Queen delivered! This is the story of the final battle between a band of rebels from multiple kingdoms that have been plundered and ruined by the savage Kalovaxians. Where do I start without giving away the plot with spoilers?
Two points that make this book wonderfuls is 1) the brilliantly conceived battle and political strategies from the other two books shine here as well. The author achieves the same sort of Game of Thrones suspense that has you guessing until the last minute how each maneuver by the rebels will fail or succeed. And just when you think that all hope is lost, another brilliant turn of events changes everything. No TSTL characters here. And 2) the amazing character development means that every major and minor character is different and interesting. The authors builds a variety of different, complex backstories that explain and shape the various complicated relationships. We see the beauty and complexity of mother/daughters, of friends, siblings, parents, allies, slaves or people who survive abuse and adversity. All of it unique, none of it obvious or overly simple. Anyone who says that this book is like any other trilogy out there and doesn't offer anything new and special, just isn't paying attention.
Ember Queen: Ash Princess, Book 3
| 3,609 ratingsPrice: 21.66
Last update: 07-29-2024