I thank God for this book. It changed my life. At 21 years of age I was so lost in the world and confused. It brought everything together into an integrated whole, a "oneness". It told me things I already knew to be true but had forgotten. It challenged me, and yet at the same time encouraged and helped me. I feel very deeply thankful for Anthony de Mello and his writings. I feel very connected to him, like he is here helping me in life. His writing is so honest and true that every word and every sentence is full of purpose and meaning. It speaks about even silence has great purpose and meaning. I remember reading it for the first time and not being able to put the book down. I had an inner smile and a hunger for this kind of refreshing insight into life. It speaks directly to your heart, bypassing your mind. It speaks with living words, not just pointing a direction but taking you down that road, almost carrying you. I must have read it 3 times to begin with and then only pulling it out when I needed some encouragement and to remember how to live. I reached a point where as it said at the end of the book that you will come to a point where you don't need it anymore, and I felt I didn't. I have lost my way many times since, but I can keep coming back because it planted and nourished a seed of awareness within me. I started listening to Allan Watts and Eckhart Tolle after words. I appreciate all of their teachings, but there is something about this book that is like my first true love in life, that it will always be special to me, innocent. I have matured much since my first true love but I will always remember and be thankful for that experience. I am currently ordering this book for a friend who I think will find a treasure trove in "Awareness" here.
Whatever you are doing in life, do it well. If you are sweeping the street, be the best street sweeper in the world. If you are walking down the hall of your house walk it as the best hall walker in the world, when you breath, breath as the best breather in the world. Stay connected to your source.
(recent Julia Roberts movie) - "Smile with your mouth, smile with your whole body, even smile with your liver."
Love your self first. Then when Love given to you by the Universe overflows your cup, let it flow out to others and it will be unconditional as you are not in "need" of anything at all. It's when we give all that we have to others first that we become depleted and unfulfilled, and thus have to be conditional with our giving as we try to allocate our limited energies and Love to give to those around us, as we are in a state of "need" ourselves. Love yourself and let yourself become filled with Love first, only then can the Love that flows from you be with out selfish need, unconditional and true.
Awareness: Conversations with the Masters
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Last update: 12-15-2024