My Darcy by Lily Morton is a short cute story about two men who have known and loved each other for their whole lives but have been too afraid to voice their feelings for fear they might not be reciprocated. Freddie Evans loves everything Jane Austen, especially her love stories. He even dresses the part in period clothing, even when he isn’t on the job. He is a tour guide for Vista Coach Trips who specialize in intimate literary tours of the United Kingdom. His best friend is Darcy Griffiths who he met when they were very young and they grew up doing everything together. Darcy is also a bus driver for the tours and when both of them subbed for people who got sick they found themselves together for an overnight tour. They had an interesting mix of people going with them including 3 older ladies, an older couple where they wife loved Jane Austen and the husband couldn’t care less, a couple on their honeymoon who only had eyes for each other, and a mother/daughter combo who were fighting each other every step of the way. Freddie and Darcy had both been on enough tours to know that this was probably not going to go well and they were right when problems constantly popped up between the tourists during different parts of the tour. Freddie had always loved Darcy but was afraid that if he said anything their friendship might end, and he couldn’t live with that so he said nothing. He knew he should move on so he met someone online that he thought might be a kindred spirit and he arranged to meet him after the tour. Darcy also hid his feelings for Freddie but when he found out about the date things changed. Even all of the tourists on their trip recognized that they loved each other and urged Freddie to make a move. When he finally did it was like fireworks went off and there was a very satisfying ending. I really enjoyed this novella. Ms. Morton created an interesting and fun mix of characters, especially with those going on the tour. Freddie was funny and sweet and conflicted about how to find out if Darcy loved him. Darcy was strong and caring and kind of sneaky when he figured out who Freddie was going to meet which led to them both getting their happy ending, including a very hot love scene. I highly recommend this story especially if you are looking for a quick read about two men who have loved each other their whole lives but are afraid to say anything because they didn’t want to lose their friendship.