I've homeschooled on and off over the years (more off than on). The first time I homeschooled, I went to a homeschool convention because I was curious but didn't think I was actually capable of it even though I felt it was necessary at the time.
This book is what I wish I had back then. It talks about many different ways to homeschool and what those options look like.
It has resources so that you can research & see what is required by law in your state for every grade and graduation.
Most of us, I would like to think, want our kids to at least have not only the option of going to college but one that they want. This book tells you not only how to find the prerequisites out, but ideas on how to get your kid's buy in, so that they have the drive to succeed and you have the tools and information to get them there.
Even though I helped my oldest homeschool her last year of high school (thank you Covid) and was able to produce transcripts, I wasn't sure how well colleges would accept it. She did take some dual credit classes so already had some of her college knocked out but there was a resource mentioned in this book that I didn't know existed and would have made the transition so much easier!
Now I have one about to start high school and he wants to homeschool through it. After reading this book, I have the confidence to put together a curriculum that works with his interests. I won't be teaching most of it myself but I know he'll be getting the education he needs to succeed and thrive in college. Not to mention getting him in AP courses and also dual enrollment with the community college for college credits. If possible for him, I hope to have his Associates Degree done along with graduation to save him a lot of money, should he choose that route.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is even curious about homeschooling.

Becoming Homeschoolers: Give Your Kids a Great Education, a Strong Family, and a Life They'll Thank You for Later
| 37 ratingsPrice: 17.32
Last update: 06-22-2024