All the Hidden Paths: Tithenai Chronicles, Book 2
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars | 278 ratings
Price: 22.57
Last update: 11-29-2024
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With the plot against them foiled and the city of Qi-Katai in safe hands, newlywed and tentative lovers Velasin and Caethari have just begun to test the waters of their relationship. But the wider political ramifications of their marriage are still playing out across two nations, and all too soon, they're summoned north to Tithena's capital city, Qi-Xihan, to present themselves to its monarch.
With Caethari newly invested as his grandmother's heir and Velasin's old ghosts gnawing at his heels, what little peace they've managed to find is swiftly put to the test. Cae's recent losses have left him racked with grief and guilt, while Vel struggles with the disconnect between instincts that have kept him safe in secrecy and what an open life requires of him now. Pursued by unknown assailants and with Qi-Xihan's court factions jockeying for power, Vel and Cae must use all the skills at their disposal to not only survive, but thrive.
Because there's more than one way to end an alliance, and more than one person who wants to see them fail . . . and they will resort to murder if needed.
Top reviews from the United States

Also, there are a few sections from the point-of-view of a new character, Asrien, who is less purely good than either Cae or Velasin. I came to sympathize with Asrien considerably, but he was not a comfortable character for me. Among other things, Asrien's sections include rough sex scenes (the yaren/kiensa scenes in the book's vocabulary).
The book adeptly negotiates its way through a twisty plot with many threats and much court politics. N.B. I should have mentioned in my review of book one that I love Markel, Velasin's longtime servant and best friend, who happens to be mute but is in no way defined by his muteness. Markel continues to be wonderful.
I found the ending of both threads very satisfying, the main Cae-Velasin thread and the counterpoint of Asrien's thread. The latter brought me near to tears.
Hoping very much that there will be a third book. Four out of five litai stars.
About my reviews: I try to review every book I read, including those that I don't end up enjoying. The reviews are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star reviews; 4 stars means I liked a book very much; 3 stars means I liked it; 2 stars means I didn't like it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I've loved).

The young nobles in Hidden Paths? Cae's properties? Do Cae or Vel become the monarch someday? Rule together as a couple? So many more threads that can be pulled and sewn.

In book 1, Caethari sometimes struck me as too wonderful to be true. In this 2nd book we got to see much more complexity in Caethari, which I loved.
Finally, there are cats, and they are super endearing. Full marks.
This better not be the end of the series, so help me...