This is the most important book you can purchase to understand dyslexia. My husband and I both listened to the book in our automobiles within months of hearing our daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia. I quickly purchased the hard copy, and completely highlighted important points, and took notes! notes! notes!!! I refer to these notes and this book almost every week to make sure I stay on target for her reading and writing education. One thing that I refer to all of the time is about 15 techniques/exercises this book mentions to use. Our school already has used this book as the foundation of it's special reading program for a number of years. It is an award-winning school. As suggested in this book, we had our daughter tutored last summer 3 times a week by an experienced tutor who uses a dyslexia-approved curriculum listed in this book. We continued to follow this book's recommendations all year. Results will absolutely vary, but my daughter has gone from the bottom 5% in reading at her grade level (in other words, she couldn't read) to the 60th percentile of her grade level (she can now read signs, menus, directions, books). She still has a way to go, but she can now read and write! This is the foundational book to help! A friend of mine also used the book's suggestions without hiring a tutor, (she tutored him herself as best she could) but switched her son to a school that used dyslexia-approved curriculum, with an experienced teacher (as suggested by this book) and her son's reading jumped two grade levels, from a pre-1st grade level to entry third grade level in one year.