Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today

4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars | 242 ratings

Price: 21.43

Last update: 06-10-2024

Top reviews from the United States

Pat. H
5.0 out of 5 stars Wow, what a great book on Christianity and the work of Satan and his demons that are determined to destroy it.
Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2014
When I was seeking more information about how to grow in my Christian life over 30 years ago, one of the first reference books that was recommended was Unger's "The New Unger's Bible Dictionary". It was/is an excellent resource for understanding the tenets and history of the Bible. So when I saw this book, also by Dr. Unger, as a Kindle freeby one day I jumped on it. It is well worth the cost of buying it if you missed the free offer.

Dr. Unger wrote this material in 1945 as a dissertation and partial requirement for the degree of Doctor of Theology. Even though we don't think of 1945 as being "modern" the ways of Satan to confuse, trap, and derail the Christian life are as old as humanity and what was true then is true now. I'm very grateful for the Kindle built in dictionary because I had to use it frequently to get the whole meaning of what was being said. The language is very intellectual but I don't even have a college degree and I can understand what he is saying.

It helps to have a good background in the Bible because many scripture references are used. Also, Dr. Unger tells it like it is--no politically correct allowances are given for questionable activities. He explains how the workers of Satan use divination, astrology, mediumship, speaking to the dead, and all other forms of occult practices to lead people into sin and away from the truth of God's authority.

The first few chapters are a little dry and seem to be the most outdated, expecially since we don't often refer to people of other religions as "heathens" any more. But that was common to the time of the writing and the truths have not changed, just the words we use to describe them. By the time the author gets to chapters 6 and beyond it starts to get really interesting. Have you ever wondered how magic could be sinful? After all, pulling a scarf out of a sleve seems pretty innocent. Well, the author explains what about magic is sinful and why. I love the TV shows about people that talk to the dead and give assurance to loved ones that all is well "on the other side". Well, that is called necromancy and Dr. Unger explains why that is deceitful as well. What about reading the future from looking at a dead animals liver? That is called augury and it is still done in parts of the world. Did you know one way of telling the future was performed by people who slept in empty graves to get messages from their ancestors? Me neither! I have heard of people sitting under pyramids to channel "energy". I wonder if that would qualify as something similar?

We live in such a babylonian society and so much of what we commonly see is linked to superstition and demonology it is frightening. Do you wear a lucky medallion around your neck? In a series of fun books I just finished and gave 5 star reviews to, the main character wears an "eye of Horas" charm on a chain around her neck and rubs it when she gets frightened. Totems like that are a form of animism (look that up in your dictionary).

The truth of God is so simple but we always want more; more knowledge, more power. God wants to be the source of our strength and will not stand for letting us be lead into the errors of temptation. But that will not stop Satan from trying. Dr, Unger says periods of demon activity come and go just like Christain religious revivals. I think we are in a period of increased demon activity and we need to know how to recognise it so we won't be lead astray. Get out your Bible and dictionary and dig in--there is a lot to digest here.
John D. Mock
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, Biblical, reference source
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2016
This book provides a very detailed analysis of various viewpoints about demons and contrasts that with the Biblical record that has been handed down to us. Dr. Unger discusses popular misconceptions within the Church, and sticks to a very scripture-based analysis of these areas. On one key issue, he modified his position in his last book "What Demons Can Do to Saints", which I also found to be an easier read. In extremely rare instances, it now appears, based upon eye-witness accounts, that even professing born again Christians can actually be demon possessed (typically in extreme cases of what we would call addiction--based upon one Biblical passage). I found "What Demons Can Do to Saints" to be slightly more useful in this regard, as a friend of mine at work, a young man of 23, is a ghost hunter from a Christian family. I got these books for him to read, so that he is fully informed of just what he's getting himself into. I read a major portion of each book myself.
Paul & Leslie McMonagle
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent scholarly work.
Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2009
Biblical Demonology deals with a topic so rife in our culture, yet neglected by pastors the world over. Ask the average church-going individual if a Christian can be possessed and count how many different answers you get. Ask the average missionary if they have ever encountered demonic forces. You'd be amazed at the disparity! And yet few authors tackle the subject with such scholarly attention. This is by far the best book I have ever read on the topic of demonology. There is little substance not backed with references for further study. Unger's work is a great addition to any pastor's library. It answers questions raised by society. Great for dealing with those "Paranormal Activity" buffs. Great read!
4.0 out of 5 stars Outstand Work on the Topic of Demonology!
Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2016
Excellent book, covers the topic very thoroughly, starts by examining the different historical views of demons and fallen angles by various peoples groups and religions. Well worth the read for anyone who is studying or even just curious about the "Biblical" view of Demonology.
5.0 out of 5 stars Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today
Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2023
Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today
so and so
5.0 out of 5 stars Answers the key questions without nightmare fuel
Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2021
This was not a fun read for me. But I think it is essential material. Especially for those in household or church leadership positions.
Mary Bailey
3.0 out of 5 stars Complicated
Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2022
Wanting to learn more on Demonology from a Biblical perspective but reading the first page was so hard. You have to be a genius or book geek to really understand what he saying. Great vocabulary but I did not understand the point he was trying to get across. Maybe if the book was in simple terms it would be easier to understand. The author assumes I know certain things like “revelation” or “superstition” and I do of course but from their perspective it may be used in a different light. Nice book. But couldn’t get passed page 3. I learned nothing. But that’s in my part.
Customer image
Mary Bailey
3.0 out of 5 stars Complicated
Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2022
Wanting to learn more on Demonology from a Biblical perspective but reading the first page was so hard. You have to be a genius or book geek to really understand what he saying. Great vocabulary but I did not understand the point he was trying to get across. Maybe if the book was in simple terms it would be easier to understand. The author assumes I know certain things like “revelation” or “superstition” and I do of course but from their perspective it may be used in a different light. Nice book. But couldn’t get passed page 3. I learned nothing. But that’s in my part.
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Rev. Bryan Dabney
5.0 out of 5 stars A helpful book on a very dark subject
Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2016
Dr. Unger's work contains a wealth of information about a subject which is not widely studied any longer--- the History, presence and actions of personal evil in our world and how to combat it. This book and its companion, Demons in the World Today, are useful tools for any devout Bible teacher, scholar or minister.

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