The things in this book were good. I enjoyed reading it to a certain point and most of the things he says is a different view of a lot of what is being taught today about bettering yourself. I actually agree with a lot of the things he writes about and think he has an interesting way of putting them.
My issues with the book. First off, I’m not going to pay him to be my trainer, so I don’t need to know what he was going to do for me, I wanted to know what he’s done and how it’s worked, which he does talk about so part of that takes care of itself. The second thing that kind of turned me off was the name dropping. If I worked with the clients he has worked with though, I would name drop too. It just seemed at times a little unnecessary.
The things I liked about this book? Most books make you feel bad about wanting things personally. “You have to do this for other people... etc.” Well this book really talks about how to improve yourself. It doesn’t give you a list of things to do, but I especially liked the decisions topics in this book. I liked how he talked about other people WILL judge you and talk about you and explained why.
I would recommend this book to people that are in leadership roles without a doubt. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone that is out to “help” other people. This is a selfish book, and that’s perfectly fine.