In light of the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall, picked up this particular book because it looked to be interesting, and it was.
This volume is compiled from multiple sources pre-, during, and post- Stonewall (the author lists them out as you read through) and gives a deep narrative than the more "sanitized" version of Stonewall that's existed out there.
Being LGBT+ hasn't been all sunshine and mimosas, and the stories of what people had gone through during that time (and are still going through today) should let you know that the fight for LGBT+ equality isn't over.
What I also like about this book is that the people in it aren't shy about being who they are...even if our fee-fees in the PC "I can't hear anything that might ever offend me" culture of 2019 couldn't handle it...the people in this compilation LIVED the Stonewall period...they didn't have the decades of memory making it rainbow and corporate-sponsored to forget the rough parts...which should never be forgotten.

The Stonewall Reader
| 392 ratingsPrice: 15.75
Last update: 07-01-2024