For the Love of Kane

4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars | 1,952 ratings

Price: 21.88

Last update: 08-01-2024

Top reviews from the United States

Tamie Adams Darrah
5.0 out of 5 stars This book roped me into a long night. Could not put it down.
Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2024
This is fantastic full story. Mafia ,mayhem , traitors . Romance bdsm spanking . Sexy . Hurt/ comfort. Great characters. This book has action packed adventure . Humor, Murder its all in there, written so well . Loved it .
Kindle Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars I can see why all the boys want kane
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2024
After reading the blurb, I actually thought Kane would have been over the top possessive.A******, but he was actually very sweet. This is very erotic and excessive. However, about halfway mark it a different which i enjoyed Inmensely.

“We’ll talk about everything after dinner. That will give you time to come down and make a rational decision. If it’s not what you want, we’ll keep things the way they are.

Kane-communicates very well and is very understanding, he make sure his partners are safe and taking care of them(including shopping), which is so sweet. The book says that he is the number one Russian mob, yet he literally does everything himself.
Blaze is supposed to be unhinged, hearing voices, but he just seems like a sad boy that needs kane. I still like him a lot. His bdsm is very heavy, but he does great aftercare. His voice in his head gets worse to the end of the book , and he needs professional help, not bdsm.
Eli - he is a true bottom, sweet, kind, and has a brotherly love towards jaxon.
Jaxon - I'd love his dynamic with everyone in this group, and there's a plot twist at the end that made me like him even more.

"Blaze nods and focuses on his task. I slip past them and sit beside Eli on the floor. He crawls into my lap, curling against my chest. "

Only read this book if you love male male romance. Because this was very cheesy, however, I still enjoyed the relationships and dynamic. There were scenes where they had vivid discussions, and either Jaxon or Eli would sit on their man lap.
It's so cute. I love it.
Jessika Altland
5.0 out of 5 stars What are you willing to forgive for love?
Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2024
This book was intense! And as crazy violent as it was also hot as hell! The spice is habanero level! There were so many twists I didn't see coming! My jaw fell open a few times! I really enjoyed this book! I definitely need more!
5.0 out of 5 stars Woah! My heart needs a moment…
Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2023
Where do I even start? Ames Mills is the queen of MM scenes or in this case MMMM scenes! While this may be her most smut filled story to date, despite the fast burn, the individual demons and trauma each MC dealt with took just as much center stage. I went from laughing to crying to almost throwing my phone to needing a panty change. What an intense ride! The plot itself could have easily been expanded into one of her signature duet lengths and I wished it had because I wanted to live in their world that much longer. Which really that was my only complaint, would like to have seen more mafia world development/interaction with their side mafia characters to balance the relationship dynamic concentration. Part of that maybe how much I’m used to the perfect balance of action-suspense/mystery-smut in her duets, where this felt very trimmed down and compact.

Speaking of smut, boy did Ames Mills cram in all the BDSM goodness into this one including a playroom, BDSM club, impact play, shibari, toys galore, including the all important safe words and aftercare. Hats off to how well the scenes were written, depicting how a healthy Dom/Sub relationship looks.

Regarding the character’s demons and trauma, please take the trigger warnings seriously for this book. While they all have different challenges they faced. As someone with both a parent and sibling each suffering from varying degrees of schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type) and alcoholism this book, Blaze’s journey especially, was very very personal to read and I honestly had to take breaks because I knew EXACTLY how Kane, Jaxson, and Eli felt in those moments Blaze was not stable even down to when Blaze clung to Jaxson as a safe space during his semi lucid moments including the feeling of helplessness, especially with the attempted suicide. The only difference was instead of leaning on the control offered by their Dom/Sub relationship, my family members self medicate with alcohol in an attempt to quiet their thoughts and smooth over their inability to functionally process the stresses of the world around them. And for anyone claiming they should have done more for Blaze, or were selfish in not wanting to hospitalize him in the end, you’re thinking too logically and this situation, this type of psychosis, is anything but. You can’t be logical or reasonable with someone who isn’t able to process the world around them as the average person would. You have no idea what it’s like to live alongside that, wanting to help, but knowing your hands are tied because unless the person suffering wants treatment for themselves you can’t force them. Blaze didn’t want to be hospitalized, he didn’t want to leave the safety net of Kane’s world, and even if he did, considering their mafia lifestyle, that drastically reduced their treatment options for him. He wouldn’t have been able to discuss anything in his daily life with a psychiatrist for fear of the mafia business exposure. Plus with his enforcer training he was like handling a bomb, not something a hospital could have readily handled. He was lucky he even had people in his life that were willing to work around his needs as so many with his level of potentially debilitating symptoms end up ostracizing themselves from those they love and oftentimes homeless because they simply are unable to hold down employment and function within society. Thank you Ames Mills for sharing the reality of Blaze’s daily struggles, really all of them!!! It had me in tears.

I cannot wait for the next installment, hoping it might be Diego’s story as he seemed genuine in helping Kane and Jaxon navigate coming back together.
3.0 out of 5 stars started out really good
Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2024
The story was confusing and jumpy at times and the relationships were all formed well until all of the characters started to only focus on Jaxon in the middle of the book then proceeded to focus on him the rest of the book to the point where I feel like blaze and James relationship which took a hard hit during his episodes was never patched up or spoken about, same with Eli and blaze, blaze is always so focused on jaxon now it’s almost like Eli is an afterthought.
4.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyed
Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2024
This was an enjoyable read I really did like all the characters I like the relationship between the characters The plot was OK a little The plot was OK a little discombobulated in certain places But it still flowed nicely .. Enjoyable ..
Graciela Martinez-Katz
5.0 out of 5 stars Four times the love! what more could you ask for!
Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2024
I’m a huge fan of stories written in dual or multiple POVs because you get to know each of the characters at a deeper level. This MMMM romance was pure perfection in that aspect. While it was four times the angst, action, heat, and love, each of these men had a different story and their own internal struggle. But it was together, or even one on one with one or the other, that helped them get through it all. Loved this book and will definitely be reading more from this author!
Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars crying
Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2024
I need a sequel I loved it, with the characters, the dynamics, and just everything I like how the author highlighted blazes mental problems and Jaxon’s story and just the way the book was made it was amazing

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