I read the great reviews and some articles that raved about this scent, and was excited to try it. I read the box which basically implied that it was a subtle scent that would grow on you. I applied a teeny bit to my left wrist and worked at my desk for four hours. The scent was unpleasant, musky in a sickening stomach-turning way where if it were a date I would be turned off and not want him near me lest my clothes and hair start to smell like that. The scent was not overpowering at first, but it lingered and grew stronger, and I could smell it while walking down the hall. I re-entered my office and there it was again, that smell like a bad scented candle that is too musky, the kind you put back on the store shelf after sniffing. Yuck. I got home and played with the dog, made dinner, then took a shower. The smell was still on my wrist!!! I tried scrubbing more with the loofa and soap, used hand sanitizer then baking soda and a scrubber. As I lay here ready to go to bed, i just sniffed my wrist and the smell is still there. It won't go away. I didn't use a lot, literally just a dab. Yuck! Not a lady's scent, not a perfume is right. Read my other reviews and see that I don't normally post bad reviews. This is an exception that warrants it. Ick!