I saw soooo many negative reviews for this product and I want to clarify! The reason sooo many people had burn marks is because they were using the wax strips incorrectly!
1. Make sure you’re wearing gloves! Or if you don’t have gloves, make sure your hands are throughly cleaned (you don’t want bacteria to get into the open pores and cause bumps)
2. Make sure the wax is warm (I found that sitting them over a glass of hot water worked fine for me)
3. BABY POWDER! On the area you’re waxing, this way the wax does not stick to your skin but just the hair
4. Make sure your surface is cleaned, I use rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad to clean my surface. Your face has bacteria on it, not cleaning the surface will allow bacteria to enter into your skin and cause bumps!
5. Apply wax strip to the area you’re removing hair from and pull fast in the opposite direction the hair Is growing. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE STRIP HAS BEEN PULL APPLY PRESSURE TO THIS AREA FOR 3 seconds, this help prevent irritation
6. Left over hair? Do not use a new wax strip, fold the used wax strip in half along the sticky side and use the back of the strip to do small quick wax’s in a peeling potion NOT A PULLING MOTION. The hair already has wax on it so it’s ready to stick to the back of the wax strip.
7. DO NOT REWAX! This is what cause the burns because your skin is now sensitive. If there is a lot of hair left then start over from step one! Do not apply new wax strip because it will stick to your skin and cause burns. IN THE CASE OF HAIR LEFT BEHIND you should tweeze those hairs, you don’t want to damage your skin.
8. After your area is cleared of hair and wax (again rubbing or the finishing oil on a cotton pad will be your finishing solution to remove wax) apply some finipil!! This can be purchased on amazon as well but highly recommended to buy at Walmart or your local spa.
Finipil is a cream that is used after waxes that help prevent ingrowns and bumps it help fight off bacteria from getting into your open pores.
STOP LETTING BAD REVIEWS DICTATE YOUR PURCHASES - these are not professionals and they did not know what they were doing!

Sally Hansen Hair Remover Wax Strip kit for Face, 18 Wax Strips
| 32,832 ratingsPrice: 2.99
Last update: 06-02-2024
About this item
That Sally Hansen quality: remove hair for an immaculate appearance with Sally Hansen bleaches & depilatory face wax
Exquisite results: helps reduce the appearance of hair regrowth
A lasting look: results last up to eight weeks
Get hair free and be carefree: works on short hair
The beauty of simplicity: no microwave needed
Exquisite results: helps reduce the appearance of hair regrowth
A lasting look: results last up to eight weeks
Get hair free and be carefree: works on short hair
The beauty of simplicity: no microwave needed