The brackets work much better than some of the cobbled together mounts I've seen. Keeping the sensor in a fixed position is key to repeatable performance.
8pcs Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR04 with 4pcs Mounting Bracket Distance Sensor Compatible with Arduino Kit, for Mega2560, R
| 453 ratingsPrice: 11.99
Last update: 08-09-2024
About this item
Power supply: 5V DC; Quiescent current: less than 2mA.
Test distance = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonic :340m/s))/2
The detection zone: 0.78~196 in/ (2cm~500cm); High precision: up to 0.12 in/(0.3 cm) Effectual angle: less than 15°
Test mode :Using IO trigger for high level signal.( Not less that 10us),The Module sends eight 40 kHz automatically and detect whether there is a pulse signal back.
Package included: 8pcs HC-SR04+ 4pcs Mounting Bracket(support HC-SR04 only)
Test distance = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonic :340m/s))/2
The detection zone: 0.78~196 in/ (2cm~500cm); High precision: up to 0.12 in/(0.3 cm) Effectual angle: less than 15°
Test mode :Using IO trigger for high level signal.( Not less that 10us),The Module sends eight 40 kHz automatically and detect whether there is a pulse signal back.
Package included: 8pcs HC-SR04+ 4pcs Mounting Bracket(support HC-SR04 only)