This is a very high quality model kit. I'm taking organic chemistry now and it's helpful to be able to visualize Newman projection, Fischer projection, boat and chair conformations and ring flipping. I only wish it came with more colorful beads (atoms) for non-carbon and non-hydrogen atoms. The kit is plenty good enough for straightforward hydrocarbons without too many unusual atoms (sulfur, chlorine, bromine, fluorine etc).
It came with:
- 30 white beads (hydrogen atoms)
- 12 black beads (sp3 carbon atoms)
- 6 black beads (sp2 and dsp3 carbon atoms)
- 1 blue bead (intended to be sp3 nitrogen)
- 4 red beads (oxygens)
- 1 pink bead (sp3 sulfur)
- 1 green bead (sp3 chlorine)
- 2 gray beads (use for sp, sp3, or d2sp3)
- 30 pink bond sticks (use for C-H, C≡C or C=O)
- 8 green bond sticks (C=C or C(ar) = C (ar))
- 24 white bond sticks (C-C or S-O bonds)
- 2 yellow bond sticks (C-Cl or C-S bonds)
- 10 blue bond sticks (for C=C)
Of course, you can use the pieces however you like. Again, I wish there were more of the colored atom pieces, but you can always order more à la carte from the manufacturer of whatever you need. The pieces are stiff to join together at first, but the structures hold together very well even if you drop them on the floor.
It's a good price for a kit that contains most of what you need to get through an organic chemistry class. Highly recommend, especially for people that do not understand sticks and circles on paper lol.