I haven't read anything written by this author before, but I stumbled across this little novella while searching for a palette cleanser. Something easy for me to read that also doesn't have the FMC getting preggo, because that drives me bonkers. This fit the bill! I love minotaur romance so I had to give this one a go. Possibly mild spoilers ahead....
Because this is a short story, there's not a whole lot of development or plot and it moves quickly. There is some minor conflict with the main character, Mara, and her mother. We get some sweet satisfaction at the end when the two minotaurs, Jonas and Henry, help Mara stick up for herself and tell her judgmental mother to shove it. The spice was satisfying and happens early although I wasn't expecting the MM action near the end. I prefer MF or MFM but that's totally okay. For my fellow peeps who like to keep their romance childfree, I'm happy to report there's no surprise baby epilogue, thank the stars! Oh, and there's some double ???????? action as well ????
I gave this novella 4 stars due to some editing issues and typos. There were a few random asterisks at the beginning of a couple paragraphs and some spelling errors. But overall this is closer to a 4.5 ⭐ read that is perfect for a quick pick-me-up in the afternoon! I will definitely be checking out this author's other works.