This was only number 6, but I found myself tired of Joe being dissed by virtually everyone; it happens in every book so far in the series. Here he was also badly beaten up and his family was repeatedly terrorized. But just as I was thinking that maybe I'd have to stop reading the series, things began to turn around, and THERE was the page-turner I'd come to know and love! Joe Picket is such a good guy, but he's also smart and tenacious and loyal to a fault. The second half of this novel was terrific and there were a few surprises thrown in, too. I was so into it that, when it was finished, I actually read the preview first few chapters of the next in the series that usually follows most of these stories on Kindle. I NEVER do that, as a rule, because I'd rather start the next one when I'm good and ready, but this time I was really into it and needed to see what was going to happen next. Needless to say, #7, Free Fire, is now on my Kindle. That's not to say that the ending of In Plain Sight was a cliffhanger. No, it was not; all loose ends were tied up and the ending was satisfying, as always. C.J. Box is fast becoming one of my favorites!