South of Broad has probably been the most highly anticipated novel in the last decade. Have we been waiting that long? I received and began the book with great trepidation. How could Pat Conroy do a story any better than The Lords of Discipline, The Great Santini, The Water is Wide, Prince of Tides, or Beach Music. As the self proclaimed #1 fan of Pat Conroy's works, (he is my favorite contemporary writer in the whole wide world), I was worried. What if the book did not meet his previous standard? Would I be disappointed?
Now I read voraciously but I took three weeks to read South of Broad. Why? It was just that good. Each word was savored and he had me hook, line, and sinker when the boy character, Leo, was giving this old codger a pedicure as part of his community service. As the boy and old man bantered he told the southern gentleman something like, "shall I dry your feet with my hair, kind of a Mary Magadalene moment".
The humor of Pat Conroy strikes such a chord with me, actually his book was a symphony of words. I know a lot of people don't understand how he can have so many emotions tied into a book but coming from a family that was more than a bit dysfunctional, his book reads to me as a promise that there is hope and salvation out there for those of us who had difficult childhoods. I happen to believe those attributes come from the reading of great books.
When I became sold it was the best book I had ever read was towards the end when he tells the children and the adults a story. Pat Conroy is a storyteller of the finest caliber. Now months and months ago I made this book an official Pulpwood Queen and Timber Guy Book Club selection. You see I run the largest "meeting and discussing" book club in the world. I made it a book club selection without reading the book. I never do that. I always read the book first, but I could not get my hands on a copy. Then the critics started coming in with reviews and as I read them, I remembered the reviews from Beach Music and smiled. I smiled because I knew this was going to be one of the biggest books of my life. So when South of Broad made #1 on the New York Times bestseller's list, Publisher's Weekly bestseller's list, and the Southern Independent Bestsellers bestseller list, I knew I was in for one heck of read. You all, I too give this book FIVE Diamonds in my Pulpwood Queen TIARA, the highest honor for a Pulpwood Queen Book Club Selection. Pat just went up a few more steps on the pedestal where I place him. And it's just like my book club that really chooses books more for being great reads, great stories to read and share more than anything, the readers are the true judge of a book's worth!
Read South of Broad and do as I did, take your time. Then read ALL of Pat's books and watch a writer as he grew and perfected his craft. Then you will know why on numerous occastions I have stood in line for hours just to get a copy of his latest signed book. And the best part, the author is one of the nicest, kindest, loving men I have ever met in my life. Authors could take lessons from Pat Conroy on how to be a true literary leader. I bow to the feet of Pat Conroy. Shoot, I would dry his feet too with my hair, kind of a Mary Magdalene moment!
Tiara wearing and Book sharing,
Kathy L. Patrick
Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs

South of Broad: A Novel
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Last update: 06-25-2024