This is a nice digital thermometer+hygrometer with a large, clear display. Based on about a month's observations, I'm guessing that a pair of generic AAA batteries will keep it going for six months.
The AMAZING feature of this device for a home automation enthusiast is that it broadcasts all data in the clear over bluetooth. About every six seconds, each station emits the temperature, humidity, and battery level. There are a few different libraries available for monitoring the data with a computer. I installed two dozen units around the house to watch for water leaks and other problems. It's quite nice for tracking conditions inside a fridge and freezer too; the signal easily reaches a computer 50 feet away, through the fridge door and several other walls. The battery life is reduced by half in the freezer unless you install crazy-overpriced disposable lithium batteries.
Thank you to Govee for creating this great, hobbyist-friendly product, and especially for not trying to rub my nose in some unwanted cloud subscription plan.
Govee Hygrometer Thermometer H5075, Bluetooth Indoor Room Temperature Monitor Greenhouse Thermometer with Remote App Control,
| 43,857 ratingsPrice: 12.99
Last update: 01-11-2025
About this item
Smart Features: The Govee Wireless Thermometer Hygrometer supports all basic functions as well as smart functions such as remote monitoring and temp humidity graphs. Our humidity meters are reliable and easy to use for homes, greenhouses and more.
High Accuracy and Fast Refresh Time: With the Swiss-made smart hygrometer sensor, the temperature is accurate up to ±0.54°F while the humidity is ±3%RH, a 40% increase. Up to 2S refresh speed always gives you the lastest changes of temp and humidity.
Upgraded Display: This room humidity gauge is easy to read due with a 3-inch bright LCD screen with large numbers. The max/min temp humidity records and the comfort indicators (dry/comfort/wet) will keep you aware of the indoor humidity at any time.
Smart App Alerts: You'll receive an instant alert once the temperature or humidity is out of its preset range. Know the status of your bedroom, baby room, wine cellar, basement, plant nursery or other areas, even when you're not beside the device.
Free Data Storage: Make plans according to historic temp and humidity data. The 20-day curve graphs provide a clear data-changing track. You can export data from the past 2 years and convert it to a CSV format. Stay on track of your daily routine.
High Accuracy and Fast Refresh Time: With the Swiss-made smart hygrometer sensor, the temperature is accurate up to ±0.54°F while the humidity is ±3%RH, a 40% increase. Up to 2S refresh speed always gives you the lastest changes of temp and humidity.
Upgraded Display: This room humidity gauge is easy to read due with a 3-inch bright LCD screen with large numbers. The max/min temp humidity records and the comfort indicators (dry/comfort/wet) will keep you aware of the indoor humidity at any time.
Smart App Alerts: You'll receive an instant alert once the temperature or humidity is out of its preset range. Know the status of your bedroom, baby room, wine cellar, basement, plant nursery or other areas, even when you're not beside the device.
Free Data Storage: Make plans according to historic temp and humidity data. The 20-day curve graphs provide a clear data-changing track. You can export data from the past 2 years and convert it to a CSV format. Stay on track of your daily routine.