This is one of my 5-year-old daughter's favorite games. She first played it when she was four and continues to get it out and play it now even though she has solved it several times. She likes it because of the complexity and because there are several games built into it that she can play for fun in addition to solving the puzzle.
The object of the game is for Putt Putt to find several items that have been lost in four time periods. In order to solve the puzzle Putt Putt must first find where the items are and then figure out how to retrieve them.
I like the game because my daughter has to think her way through it and once she has solved it she can play it again and the objects are not in the same places.
I played the game first before her so I understood how it worked. She was able to do almost all of it on her own, but did get stuck in a few spots and I was able to give her hints to figure it out.
I highly recommend this game, as well as our other favorite Putt Putt game, Putt Putt Enters the Race.