Laplink PCmover Ultimate 11 - Easily Transfer Files to New Computer - Efficient Migration of Applications from Old PC to a Ne
4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars | 5,444 ratings
Price: 39.95
Last update: 03-06-2025
About this item
EASY TO USE: Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple wizard to transfer everything you select to your new PC
OPTIMIZED FOR FASTEST TRANSFER: Provides maximum performance and time savings. You will quickly be using your new PC with everything ready to go
COMPLETE SELECTIVITY: Automatically transfers all selected applications, files, folders, settings, and user profiles to your new PC
EASY "UNDO" FEATURE: Quickly reverse changes made to your new PC if you change your mind or want to re-do the transfer with different selections
Product Description
Laplink PCmover - The easiest way to move applications, files and settings to a new PC!

PCmover automatically moves your applications, files and settings from an old PC to a new one.
PCmover is the ONLY software that automatically transfers applications, files, settings, and user profiles from an old PC to a new one! It’s the easiest way to move to a new PC without leaving anything behind, even when there are different versions of Windows on the old and new PC. Nothing is changed on the old PC and nothing is overwritten on the new PC.
Key Features of PCmover
Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple setup to start transferring everything you select to your new PC or upgraded operating system. |
Automatically transfer the programs, files, and settings you choose to your new PC. Programs are installed and ready to use right away. |
After configuring your transfer, you can start the transfer and walk away. PCmover does the rest! |
Quickly set up your new PC with the help of a certified PC migration expert, over the phone or remotely. Free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |

Easy to install and ready to use right out of the box!
To use PCmover, simply install it on both your old and new Windows computers, and follow the easy-to-use wizard. When the transfer is complete, your new PC will have the personality and functionality of your old one. Because most transferred applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find old CDs or previously downloaded applications, serial numbers, or license codes.
Move everything in 3 easy steps
Install PCmover on both your old and new computers. |
Click through the wizard and select which type of transfer you want to do. |
Your new computer will have the same personality and functionality as your old PC. |

PCmover Key Features
- Easy to Use: Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple wizard to transfer everything you select to your new PC
- Optimized for fastest transfer: Provides maximum performance and time savings. You will quickly be using your new PC with everything ready to go.
- Complete Selectivity: Automatically transfers all selected applications, files, folders, settings, and user profiles to your new PC
- Undo Feature: Quickly reverse changes made to your new PC if you change your mind or want to re-do the transfer with different selections
Move to a New PC Using Multiple Transfer Options
Transfer via a wireless network or LAN |
Transfer with optional Laplink thunderbolt, USB, or ethernet transfer cables. |
Transfer from a hard drive to a new PC via cable direct connection. |
Top reviews from the United States

One extraordinarily good aspect was my final phone support session with Laplink. I originally transferred from an older Windows 7 laptop to a newer laptop that had been upgraded to Windows 10 last year but not used since the upgrade except to check it out. After the transfer was finally completed over this past weekend, it APPEARED that we had a very good transfer. However, video problems with on-line streaming were a problem, and further research yielded the undisclosed fact (by Dell or Microsoft) that the computer wasn't certified for Windows 10, and never should have been upgraded. I reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled the original Windows 7 configuration.
I called back to Laplink and explained the situation, fearing that because I had already used the 1-time license for the transfer, I'd have to purchase another license. Instead, they listened to the information, and simply reset the serial number. I then went to telephone support due to an initial problem with the software, and the representative stayed on the line all the way through the set up, analysis, etc., to make certain the transfer initiated properly. This was by far ~the~ most impressive tech support session in my lifetime, and that spans from my first computer course (Fortran IV) in 1966.
Despite some bugs in Version 11 (acknowledged by the last support rep), and the earlier "up-selling" problems that were serious turn-offs (see original review below), I have to acknowledge that in the end, the software did its job fairly well, and at least some of their tech support people do not try to sell the expensive "advanced technical support," and they actually provide tremendous support. I have upgraded an original 1-star review to three stars. If I had it to do over again, I don't think I'd go with version 11. The phone support tech had to install a previous version that eliminated the bug I encountered when I tried to re-do the transfer, and explained everything very thoroughly - highly impressive. Just don't get version 11.
ORIGINAL: What the company does makes this an unacceptable piece of software. I backed up both computers, updated the operating system in the new (receiving) computer, and was read to go. I was short on time, so I called Laplink just to find out approximately how long the move might take, and was given an acceptable range after several intelligent questions they asked. So far, very impressed.
Then the offered to at least run a scan of the two computers to make sure there wouldn't be any problems with the transfer, at no charge. Great! Seemed very impressive. I even had the thought that if they do this for anyone calling their "free" 24/7 support line, the price of the software is a massive bargain!
Next came the major problem. They did find a number of registry and other unspecified problems using their software (they take control of both computers to run it of course). And suddenly we're talking "advanced technical support" at a minimum of $99 for a 14 day guarantee, and $199 for a full year. But no worries, they said, they could virtually guarantee that they'd be able to complete the transfer without any problems left over. I mentioned that I was beginning to run short on time and didn't have time today to do everything, and their offer was to just stay connected even after I left the house, and they've complete everything for me. Uh, no. I wanted to run my existing and (previously) trusted registry cleaner myself, and THEN see if there were problems before proceeding with the transfer. The pushy sales job for the "advanced technical support" (twice or four times as much as the software itself) started. I declined, partly out of the totally undisclosed "up-charges" that aren't mentioned anywhere on the product box, nor on the extremely skimpy printed instructions inside. But I also can't justify especially their premium support at an additional $200.
I'm stuck - I can't return it to Amazon because I've opened the software and broken the seal on the CD package. I MIGHT be able to call them back and see about a refund from Laplink, but they say it will take 8 weeks, and previously said that was only when their software wouldn't work.
So, is this review about software I haven't even installed yet? Absolutely - because they sell you the software and cable for about $50 on Amazon (more from the company direct), and only when you call them do they immediately try to "up-sell" you on "advanced technical support," trying to scare the user into accepting their "guaranteed" support. And yes, I AM concerned about what will happen if the transfer doesn't work, since I subsequently learned that my registry software is no longer supported past Windows 7 (the computer I'm migrating to a Windows 10 computer), and according to Laplink's initial tech support (the free part that tries to become $100 or $200 support), my Windows 10 computer also has "significant" errors on it," and they specifically recommended AGAINST doing the transfer until the problems are resolved - by them - at a hefty price.
So yes, this review is about the software and the company behind it - which I've always thought was a fully trustworthy company, to be honest. But now I see how they justify selling the software and cable for a relatively low price - they strong arm customers into paying for previously undisclosed additional technical support and tell you that they "cannot recommend" a transfer at this time, based on the problems they found. That's poor business, and a relatively useless product. Heck - how do I know the diagnostics they did are even accurate, or even worse, whether they're intentionally misleading in order to up-sell the additional tech support?
I could not be more disappointed (and frustrated). I picked Laplink because of their long-standing reputation, only to get what seems to be a very sleazy way of extracting considerably more money from customers. I'm willing to bet that almost ANY well used computer will show considerable registry issues, and that becomes a "we cannot recommend transfer at this time." What a dilemma to put customers in. Some might call that extortion....

Well let me tell you about my experience. FLAWLESS!! Everything smoothly transferred to my new Microsoft Surface Laptop within 90 minutes and when finished, nothing changed. I got my old favorite desktop back operating on a new Windows 11 laptop and I lived happily ever after! Do it now!!

I have used this line of products over the years, even from when the transfer was over a serial port, but the move was always C to C.
If that is your intention then get it. Get the version with the network cable or have both PCs on the same router. You will not be disappointed. It is a good solid product just happened to not fit my requirements.