Otherwise, I don't see how I can afford to buy this! Let's use car products and services as a comparison. Tires I will gladly pay $100 each for, considering the value they offer me and my passengers in comfort and safety. The same goes for shock absorbers. But a collection of comic books? Please! Look, you can buy issue no. 2 of this series in F (Fine) condition for about the same price, and that would be an outstanding investment on your part. In ten years, it will probably be worth twice as much. And, depending on how old you are, the price you sell it for at retirement could be as high as $1,000! Many of the Avengers stories have been reprinted in one form or another. Many more of the original comics after issue no. 200 are dirt cheap in NM (Near-Mint) condition and can be found in your local comic book store. Sorry, this is too much money for a DVD, and the Captain America collection that is being offered for $600 right now is, quite frankly, RIDICULOUS! Get a grip. These are comic books, not a brake overhaul!
One final note: The prices being asked for by the seller(s) amounts to greed, pure and simple. Nothing less, nothing more. Come on... admit it... YOU'RE GREEDY! I understand about the "law" of supply and demand. That applies more to tangible goods that people really need, not collectibles. The original comic books are truly rare, and in near mint condition, are good investments and have earned their price tags after decades in the market. I could see paying $100 for this item (double retail), but not $200. And the $600 being asked for the Cap series is off the scale greedy. I don't care how long you leave it posted for that price. NO NORMAL PERSON IS GOING TO BUY IT! If someone pays the asking price for these two DVDs, they are obviously in a tax bracket that allows them to do so. However, even if I made $150,000 a year, I still would not pay this much money. Resist the urge to pay these high prices... show some discretion and stick with the rest of us poor schmucks in solidarity. Eventually, our protests will bring the price down. If the sellers want to move the item bad enough... they will acquiesce and bring the price down.
Addition: A couple of weeks ago, I got lucky and refreshed this page, which revealed that Amazon had gotten a hold of some remaining copies of this title, and of course, was offering them at retail. So, for $44.95, with free super saver shipping, I finally completed my collection of reprints. I didn't get the Captain America title, which they were also offering at retail, knocking the $600 competitor right off the sales floor. I have all of my favorite Cap stories from Tales of Suspense in the Iron Man collection, and the first twelve Captain Americas I can get in the Marvel Masterpieces. I have no need for any post-Kirby issues. Jack went over to DC after this, and produced some pretty cool stuff, which is still undervalued in the Guide. Actually, if I wanted to, I could buy C.A. #100-112 in Fine for about $200. But I am way past the investment stage of the game. In ten years, I will be selling my personal collection, which should bring about $50,000.00. I am already in the process of selling off the lower grade reader copies I bought 20 years ago. Those don't go up much in value, so I am basically getting my money back, which is still not bad in the economy we are in.

40 Years of the Avengers (Collector's Edition)
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Last update: 10-31-2024
About this item
40 years from September 1963 through December 2005