EndNote is an extremely powerful tool for organising large numbers of references - great for researchers. Add references to the database manually, by "filtering" in your saved searches from databases or a friend's EndNote or Procite reference list, or by connecting directly to databases which support the Z39:50 standard. Select the bibliography style you need (hundreds available, or design your own) and add straight into your article or thesis - it places a citation in the text and formats a tidy bibliography at the end. It's easy to reformat the citations into other styles (as when you need to submit your article to numerous journals).
Veteran users will be pleased that version 5 has the same look and feel as the last version, with some nice new features. EN5 integrates into Word much better and allows you to see your ciations immediately without having to "format bibliography." The bibliography can be hand-edited to do quick fixes (although it is overwritten if you reformat) Best of all, EN now encodes the library data into your document, so you can do last minute edits on someone else's computer without ruining your citations.
The spell check facility within individual references is a bonus, although it is a little limited and will need to be taught many scientific or specialist words.
First time users should expect to spend a long time learning the ins and outs of this huge package (it took me a couple of weeks to use effectively) and even longer to become a "poweruser," but it's well worth the time if you have to organise lots of references. It comes with a great manual that fills in all the details you'll need, which installs on your computer in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.

Endnote 5.0
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Last update: 11-01-2024