What a great idea! For the price of a half-dozen comics you can own a decade's worth! Includes every page of every issue of Jughead comics printed in the 1970's.
The discs are easy to use, you just pop them in and if your PC is capable of running Windows XP (or beter) then you've got all you need to run this. Requires zero hard drive space, so you won't have to worry about clogging up your PC, although I hope in the future they make these where you have to option to install to your hard drive because then I wouldn't even need to keep up with the disc.
The packaging is neat, the box opens like a book and inside you have a DVD case with full color art and on the disc itself even more full color art. It's nice since comics are such a visual medium to see these kinds of graphics. First class packaging all the way!
The real star is the great humor and art included. If you grew up with Archie Comics this a great way to reconnect! The pages are really clean, the colors pop and the whites are brilliant! Real care was put into every phase of this project.
By the way, back in the 1940's hats were popular and kids used to take old hats their parents were throwing out. They'd flip the hats inside out and cut the brims into jagged patterns. What were these kids nicknamed? Jagheads!
Highly affordable - Highly recommended!!

Jughead Bronze Age Series
| 19 ratingsPrice: 13.69
Last update: 12-29-2024
About this item
120 comic books on one dvd
includes all annuals, articles and original advetisements
All comics are printable
includes all annuals, articles and original advetisements
All comics are printable