Ultimate X-Men: Complete Comic Book Collection

3.7 3.7 out of 5 stars | 38 ratings


Last update: 11-07-2024

About this item

Ultimate X-Men is the wildly successful relaunch that jettisons over forty years of continuity and sets the clock back
to the beginning for Marvel's first group of mutant super heroes. This is a fresh start for the X-Men
that begins when they're still teenagers just becoming a part of Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters and
chronicles their new first encounters with Magneto,

Top reviews from the United States

3.0 out of 5 stars Does not contain the entire Ultimate X-Men run
Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2012
First and foremost, this is labeled as a "Complete Comic Book Collection". It's not. Ultimate X-Men ran 100 issues and ended in 2010. This was made in 2006 when only 69 issues were available and the arc was ongoing. The first Annual is included in here, but not the others.

That said, it's really a cool thing to have. The scans are excellent quality, with the left and right pages visible on each scan. It's perfect for the two-page spreads and the unconventional panel layout. I've got no complaints about scrolling through it. I love the feel of the original books, but I didn't mind reading it digitally.

The original ads are preserved, right as they were in the original comics. It's kind of a neat little trip through memory lane, but I can see how people don't like that. There are a few points where the issue that was scanned had some printing errors, but that'd happen if you were collecting the originals. For the most part, the comics scanned were in great shape and the resolution allows you to really zoom in.

Bottom line is it's a cheap way to start reading Ultimte X-Men, but if you want the whole series, plan on supplementing with the trade paperback collections.
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing value when first published
Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2014
This collection consists of actual comic books that have been individually scanned and converted to PDF files. This is one of a number of such collections, all of which were an absolutely amazing value when they were first published, with hundreds of comic books, some dating back to the 1960s, available on a single DVD for one low price. Unfortunately, Marvel Comics refused to continue licensing their content to Git Corp and the collections are no longer available. Today, the DVDs are collector's items, sometimes going for hundreds of dollars. At their original publishing price, this was an incredible deal. At the prices today, when you can even find them, you should definitely think twice.

The files are not DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected, so you can copy the PDF files to your computer or laptop, even to your Kindle Fire tablet. You can also create backup DVDs to make sure that your collection always remains accessible. If you view the collections on your computer or laptop, using the Adobe official PDF viewer, everything is fine. If you view the collections on your Kindle Fire tablet, there is a semi-transparent "Marvel" watermark that will show up on every page. I've tried every PDF viewer in the Amazon App Store, including the Adobe PDF app, and they all exhibit this flaw. Once I got used to it, though, it didn't bother me much and it's handy to have a really portable way to read these files.

Each file contains one complete comic book, including the front and back covers, all of the advertisements, the letters page, and so on. The files are arranged in two-page spreads, 1100 pixels wide by 850 pixels high. I can reduce these to roughly 75% of full size and still read them. Much below that and the text becomes hard to read and the details are muddy.

For the collections that go back to the 60s and 70s, it's both nostalgic and hilarious to read some of the advertisements (Sea Monkeys! X-Ray Specs! Charles Atlas!). The scan quality in those earlier issues is surprisingly good, considering the age of each comic book. These are very readable, in very good condition.

This collection begins with Ultimate X-Men #1 in 2001 and concludes with issue #69 in 2006. The collection also contains Annual #1 and a set of bios on each X-Man. All told, counting index files, there are 77 files to browse.
Travis Richey
4.0 out of 5 stars great deal for $10
Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2007
I got turned on to the Ultimate Universe last year, adn when I saw this I thought it'd be a great way to catch up. Yea, they're scans of the actual books, but they look great. There's one bad page where the top is cut off and you lose a couple lines of dialogue, but it turned out it was printed like that in the first place, not a bad scan. I was confused that the watermark was appearing at home on my mac but not at work, but that turned out to be becasue my mac was using Preview to open the files. Adobe Acrobat opens them without without the watermark.

Overall, a great deal, but PLEASE put out other Ultimate series!!! As mentioned, there are big plot gaps where stuff had obviously happened in other titles. I could definately see digital distibution of comics in the near future!
3.0 out of 5 stars Reading comics on a computer screen is not awesome
Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2007
If you're in the place I was before purchasing this CD-ROM collection, you're asking yourself whether or not you're going to enjoy reading comics on your computer screen, in an Adobe Acrobat format. Well, if you're also like me in that you have a small laptop, I think the answer is "not really.' I certainly got my money's worth in time spent reading, as I couldn't breeze through the thing like I would in trades, but by issue 20-something the constant clicking and dragging started to grate on me, and I gave up. If you have a huge computer screen, or if the money aspect is that appealing (let's face it, that's a lot for $20), then go for it. For the Wednesday lovers like me, however, this format feels not ready for prime time.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great buy
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2010
Before I start, I just want to say I've been watching the prices of these GIT discs jump up and down all over the place. 'Dramatic changes from week to week. 'Not sure why that is, but if you're interested in one of the GIT collections, be patient, keep your eye on the discs you want and snag one when the price drops again.
As far as this collection goes; REALLY NICE scans and what a great collection for any X-fan to have!
Spanning 10 years, the disc offers an easy-to-navigate menu and wonderful work by some of the best artists and writers in the business.
Andrew J. Conti
3.0 out of 5 stars Great deal, one compromise
Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2006
This is of course, a wonderful way to pick up a huge span of X-Men comics. I have only one big gripe and that every page is stamped with a "Marvel" logo. Excuse me, did I not just buy these? Watermarks are for shareware and public resources, not something that I bought. I understand it's to prevent copyright infringement, but the logo is neither small nor unobtrusive. It is large and in the center of each page. Ridiculous.

I won't be buying another product like this from Marvel.

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