This is the worst purchase I've ever made, complete waste of money.
Despite what the description says, this is not Mac compatible. It's barely PC compatable.
The game itself is extremely difficult to figure out and nearly impossible to navigate. As an example, to leave any of the rooms you have to search for an exit that is unmarked. The exits are hidden in the rooms and you have to keep clicking on things until you get lucky and find it. Or you can get real lucky and the game can freeze and lock up your computer.
The game itself has no real educational value, you just wander around clicking on things.
I never bothered giving this to my 3 year old to see, it would have confused and frustrated her- even more than it did me.
(I am very computer literate, just so you know this is not the complaint of someone inexperienced)

Sesame Street Letters (Jewel Case)
| 3 ratingsPrice:
Last update: 07-14-2024