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After putting it through it's paces for a few minutes I remembered that it has SPEED SETTINGS and it defaults to the lowest speed. So I clicked the button on the controller to take it to the highest speed and the boat just took off. It is so fast! And it turns on a DIME. Especially to the right. The steering rudder is offset to the right and so when you turn to the right it turns in an instant. In fact, if you turn hard to the righ at full speed the bow actually goes under water for a split second and then the boat shoots forward in the opposite direction. It is SO COOL.
The operating distance was great. I never got out of range and had it several hundred feet away from me numerous times. The run time is advertised as 30 minutes and I am sure it would go that long if you kept it on the lowest speed setting. But once I discovered the highest speed setting I kept it full throttle. My total run time was about 23 minutes but that was with the first 5 on the lowest speed setting and then the other 18 minutes on the highest speed setting. Plus they give you 2 batteries so you really have 45 min - 1 hour to play depending on what speed you run at.
I tried really hard to get the boat to turn upside down with just tons of fast and crazy navigating but I could NOT get it to flip over on me. It is just so stable. It is really designed well. I think those rear side stabilizers are genious. So I had to manually turn it upside down so I could test the self righting feature and IT WORKS just as avertised. I pushed the self righting button on the side of the remote and the boat immediately flipped over right side up again and I was off and running. That is a HUGE comfort and safety net in my mind. It means you will likely never have to go swimming for you boat!
When I hit the 23 minute mark the boat began beeping and it automatically switched to the lowest speed and I was easily able to navigate it back to shore and retrieve it.
I inspected the interior after my long run and there was no significant water inside the hull. It is sealed very well.
Overall I found this extremely enjoyable to play with and I was very impressed.