Hard to believe that this past year, we celebrated the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Brothers. While it had not been as strong as many gamers had expected, we still got a lot of great toys and games featuring Nintendo's proud mascot. We got the Super Mario 3D All-Stars package, which had Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Sunshine & Super Mario 64. But other Mario titles flowed to the Switch as well like Paper Mario: The Origami King. Still, when you look at games from the Wii U, you had almost all of the Mario games go to Switch already, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe. But one game that has not made it to Switch until now is Super Mario 3D World. The game was well-received for Wii U owners, but not as strongly sold, due to the lackluster sales of Wii U. Still, Nintendo pressed on and decided to release it for the Switch. Sadly, the game was suppose to be released last year, but got held back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it is here, with a added bonus.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, is a 2-in-1 purr-fectly conjured compilation where Super Mario 3D World is remastered and includes new features made for Switch, and the new mini-adventure Bowser's Fury which takes a unique twist on the Mario formula. First for Super Mario 3D World, the game looks great and brings in all the wonderfully made platforming from the Wii U game, with some small tweaks to make it work a bit better. In the game, Mario & his friends need to rescue Pixie Princesses that Bowser and his minions have captured. Along the way, Mario, Peach, Toad & Luigi each all maneuver with new and returning features like the thrilling Cat Suit, which allows Mario & friends to maneuver in new and challenging ways. You can now climb up walls, attack like a feline and skid through pathways that are more challenging than ever. You also have courses that are new for Switch owners to hover through like Red-Hot Run, The Great Goal Pole, and the towering Champion's Road which will get you screaming for more.
You also have a new game here: Bowser's Fury, where Mario must team-up with Bowser Jr. in a epic quest to save Bowser from a uncontrollable raging toxin where got into and becomes Fury Bowser (a towering Ganon-like creature) bent on mayhem to destroy Lake Lapcat. In this game, Mario must partner with Bowser Jr. on the quest to save Bowser from the raging being he has became. The game plays more like a Super Mario Odyssey adventure with Mario 3D World twists, packed-down into 1 major overworld. In the game, Mario and Bowser fight cat-themed foes like Boom Boom, Bullies and unlock puzzles and collect items and find the guarded cat shines to unlock bells that will help Mario & Bowser Jr. stop the unraveled Fury Bowser. The game itself is fun, but does feel interesting as a concept to make a condensed Super Mario 64-esque game. It works well, and the game looks amazing with the designs and platforming. In itself, the campaign may be short, but will take your fiery breath away when you play it. I think it looks charming and puts in a new wrinkle on the Mario 3D platforming formula that worked so well from past games like Super Mario Galaxy 2.
There are a lot of things that work well with both of these games, with a few faults though. First of all, for Bowser's Fury, for skilled gamers of past Mario platformers, they may find the game shorter than other Mario titles, because of the main overworld. Some gamers would've wanted more overworld packed into the hub-world like earlier Mario titles, but it is actually interesting to put Mario into a Luigi's Mansion kind of setting. Also, you would also have to toggle with many different power-ups at once while battling Fury Bowser in the game that you may need that as a lifeline without losing lives. It may be shocking but sadly it is what it takes at times while controlling Mario & Bowser Jr. while mastering Bowser's Fury. While it may be repetitive, it still is a lot of fun playing. As for Super Mario 3D World, the main disadvantage is only if you have mastered the Mario adventure before from the Wii U era, you may not feel entertained with this game all over again. But nevertheless, considered that so many people never played the Wii U title, considered it was one of the weakest-selling game system from the Nintendo legacy, it still is worth playing at the end.
When you look at Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, it is a mixed bag for some fans of the Super Mario Brothers legacy. But nevertheless, it is a absolutely fun title worth checking out. You get two adventures of the furry-kind into one package that does work. While many people may feel Super Mario 3D World is not a strong buy, it is a strong buy because it is 2 adventures into one nearly purr-fect pair of escapades. As for Bowser's Fury, I did get what I wanted out of it, and would still want to intrigued with more when I missed on it. Still for what it is worth, pairing the 2 games in one compilation is worth the money. If they were sold apart, it would not be worth purchasing. Still, I absolutely recommend buying this game pack a lot. It can come across as a great pair of actual purr-fect strangers.
Graphics: A-
Sound: B+
Control: B+
Fun & Enjoyment: Super Mario 3D World: A- for Solo: B+ for Multiplayer Bowser's Fury: B For Solo & Multiplayer
Overall: B+