Borderlands handsome collection is a bundle that includes borderlands 2 and the pre sequel.
You also get all the dlcs included with both games. Digitally, both games are around 30 gigs.
The borderlands games can be compared to a similar destiny. I personally prefer this
over destiny anytime. Gameplay is very smooth, 60 fps 1080p is great. Sometimes
I do get fps drops and laggy moments which is usually solved by restarting the game
Or the console. The game doesn't require you to grind as much as destiny does, but
you may want to spend time gathering legendary weapons.
I love the variety of weapons and mobs, and especially all the unique
classes. Weapons each have very unique attributes like explosive shots or allowing
you to use it as a grenade everything you reload. One story run through will take usually
around 20 hours, depending on if you do side quests. After beating it, you may Pursue
true vault hunter mode and do endgame content. Replayability is huge in this game.
Coming off borderlands 1, returning players will love the story of BL2. TPS is based
before BL2 but makes of an interesting story.
The game revolves around the planet Pandora, which has been taken over for a
mineral called eridium. Handsome Jack, the antagonist is an interesting character
that is stable unlike pagan min in far cry 4. He is a very cruel and funny person at
the same time. You play as vault hunters and work your way to defeat handsome Jack.
The story is great, especially with the cheesy humor it contains.
This game allows for great coop sessions, in fact it makes this game just 30x more
fun! Players can join each and play just like a normal campaign. If you were to
Progress a lot, the game allows you to skip the quests you've already done for
when you go back to singleplayer. Some minor cons were that there is no pvp
based modes, except for the ridiculously unbalanced dueling and playing with
a huge level gap is a huge hassle and should not be done.
I think this game is great, no doubt. It is a great game to play, having friends to
play it with makes it a lot better but the solo sessions are still fun. It's also a game
That you won't beat and hide in your collection, it has lots of replayability and Each
time still being as fun. Having all the dlcs make it another also factor and bang for your buck.
60$ for +120$ of content? I'm in!